

Figmaのwebサイトから、5 steps to nailing your portfolio presentation in design interviews という記事を読む。アメリカでデザイナーとして就職したい人向け。


1. Start slow


A job presentation is a performance of sorts. And like most performances, you shouldn’t start off the bat with props flying and giant musical numbers. Take the time to properly introduce yourself. Remember to state your name, and the type of design you’re good at.

プレゼンはパフォーマンス(例えば演劇のような)。最初から飛ばさない。off the bat はいきなり、とか最初からくらいの意味。ちゃんと自己紹介。名前とかどんなデザインが得意なのか。

Be clear about what sets you apart.

何が他の人と違う(set you apart)のか。売りはなんなのか。

2. Pick which project you loved the most, not the one you spent the most time on


I recommend beginning your presentation with the projects that tap into your inner child — they’re more authentic and playful. They’ll also represent your design sensibilities more accurately, as well as express who you are through your work.

あなたの中の子供を引き出す(tap into your inner child)プロジェクトから始まる。その方が紛れのない自分を出せる。

3. The Dummies guide — What, Who, Why & Where

What is this project? どんなプロジェクトなのか。必要十分な文脈(Context)を与える。

Who worked on it?  誰と仕事をしたのか。これ重要(This is vital)。

Distinguish yourself from your teammates by explaining what role you played in the making of the project.


Why was this project needed? なぜこのプロジェクトが必要だったのか。問題を明確にして鮮明に語る。デザインの背景をきちんと説明する。

Where is it now? 今どうなっているか。結果を説明する。デザインがどのように使われたか。どんなインパクトがあったか。ボツになった場合は仮説でもいい。重要なのは終わった後で結果をちゃんと評価しているか、測定不能な場合でもきちんと予想、仮説を持って仕事しているか。

4. Be wary of representing the company you’re pitching to

In your presentation, you may feel compelled to incorporate the brand of the company into your designs, but that can get a little tricky. You don’t know their usage guidelines and may unknowingly misrepresent their brand.


5. Surviving the Q&A

The team’s job is to push and prod you so they understand you and your work. They want to challenge your design reasoning, your choice in color, your research, and a million other things, to see what informed your decisions.



By crafting your presentation to meet the needs of the interview committee, you’re doing what any good designer would: Empathizing with your users.




