







タイトル 「農村を次の世代につないでいくために」
君島佳弘 Yohihiro Kimijima

Hello! Good evening. Thank you so much for the opportunity to take this class. I’m very happy. My name is Yoshihiro Kimijima. I stayed at the ARI as a year-long volunteer in 2010.

Now, I’m working as an organic farmer, and manage small guesthouse in Motegi Town,Tochigi prefecture. I started that 5 years ago.

Today I would like to talk about my business as an organic farmer, and my efforts in providing farming classes to public elementary schools.

Today, I would like to share about my business, and current situation in rural areas.
What is the situation in rural areas in your countries? I would be happy if we could think together about rural life.

I would be grateful for any feedback you may have.




This is what I will be talking about today. ※Table of contents

First, I will introduce myself. Then I will talk about my experience at ARI, my work, and
the current state of agriculture in the region. Then I will talk about the farming classes
at public elementary schools in my region.

Thank you for your time.



My name is Yoshihiro Kimijima. My ARI name is Kimiji. In 2010, I worked at ARI as the office and seminar house volunteer in 2010.Now, I am 37 years old and have a wife and one son. This photo was taken 4-5 years ago, so I look a little younger.

We are working as a farmer, and run a guesthouse, and during winter we open the small bakery in my house.

Motegi Town is a little over an hour's drive from ARI. It is a town rich in nature, surrounded by scrub forests and beautiful rice terraces.



My experience at ARI was the turning point for me to become a farmer.
I decided to become a farmer while I was at ARI.

I was 23 years old when I stayed ARI as a volunteer. Before coming to ARI, I had never done any farm work. And I knew absolutely nothing about farming.

I studied photojournalism in my teens. I had been interested in agriculture after visiting rural areas in Japan and other Asian countries during my student days, but I was unsure whether to continue with photography as a career or become a farmer.

However, as soon as I started spending my days at ARI, my mind was made up.
Farm work was fun, growing crops was fulfilling, and most of all, everyone who worked at farm was cool. Life at ARI taught me the value of growing crops.

I thought, "Farmers are the coolest."

And at the my first Morning Gathering, I said, "I've decided to become a farmer."

After leaving ARI, I worked on a dairy farm in Hokkaido to save money and build up my physical strength.

Then, I learned organic farming under Sakakawa san, who also serves as a special lecturer at the ARI, and I started farming in Motegi Town in 2018.








Next, I'd like to talk about my current work.

My family and I work in the countryside in Motegi Town, we do farming, and running a guesthouse, and also running a bakery in the winter.

I'll explain each of these in more detail.




The farm is about 1 hectare in size, and we grow rice, soybeans, some kind of millet, and seasonal vegetables using organic and natural farming methods.

And we also run agricultural experience programs throughout the year for urban residents.
The programs are held once or twice a month, with around 10 to 20 people participating each day.


Next, we run a guesthouse.

The house where our family lives is an old house that is about 130 years old, and we cook and serve fresh organic produce that we have grown ourselves. By using produce that we grow ourselves, we can serve dishes made with fresh, organic produce. And guests can visit the fields where the produce is grown.



Finally, during the winter, we run a small bakery that uses natural yeast and local organic wheat. Actually, I can't bake bread. My wife can bake tasty bread, and I take care of our son during that time.


Our family's main sources of income come from agricultural experiences program, and guesthouse, and running bakery.

Our family's business goal is to create a connection between urban residents and rural areas.

By running an agricultural experience program, farm stay, and bakery in addition to farming in rural areas, we can create opportunities for a variety of people to come to rural areas.

Through my work, we want to convey to people the importance of agriculture and the beauty of rural areas.

However, as you all know, Japan's rural areas are in a critical situation now.




In our area, most of the people who manage the fields are over 70 years old.

Similarly, the forests and agricultural irrigation channels are also managed by older people.

And since our family moved to Motegi Town, the number of older people has been decreasing.
It will be difficult to maintain rural life when they are gone.

I think the situation is similar all over Japan.

Here is a table of Japan's agricultural workforce by generation.

Right now, we can see beautiful rural landscapes all over Japan. But we don't know if we'll be able to see the same scenery 10 years from now.

Japan's ability to be self-sufficient in food will also decline.

That's why I want to put more effort into agricultural management.





I would like to talk about another initiative. We started a project to hold farming classes at public elementary schools.

Soon after moving to Motegi Town, 5 years ago, I approached the local elementary school to hold farm classes to grow rice and soybeans. (Pointing to the photo) This is a picture of the class at elementary school.


most children don't have the opportunity to learn how crops grow.
However, I believe that learning "what keeps us alive" is very important for human development.

I learned that from ARI.

And when I thought about "food," I thought it was important to approach public schools. This is because most children in Japan attend public elementary and junior high schools.

I would like to continue to spread agricultural education in public schools.






I believe that the ability to grow food is the foundation for peace, and that is what I learned from the Asian Rural Institute.

I would like to become someone who supports Japan's food supply through agricultural management.

I would also like to train people who will support Japan's food supply through farming classes in public schools.

I want to show the next generation the beautiful scenery of rural areas.

I want to ensure that the next generation does not have to go hungry.







[About the training in the US in September]

I had the opportunity to go to California in the US to learn about farming education in public schools. We call that edible education.

California is a pioneer of farming education in public schools.And I will be visiting local public schools with my food-related colleagues and lecturers from various universities.

I hope to be able to report on the trip someday.






⇑⇑ 引き続き、秋のアメリカ研修へ向けて農作物の販売も頑張っています!


20240801 月noco 君島
