
Power of the Language

Snow in April! It started to snow last night.
While driving on a snowy country road lined with cherry trees in blossom,
a certain word came to my mind: Hanabie (花冷え)

“Hana花” usually means „flower“ but in the context of Japanese poetry, it is a synonym of “cherry blossoms”.

“Bi-e 冷え(= Hi-e)” means “getting cold”.

When these are put together, it means “Cherry Blossom Chill“ indicating an unexpected comeback of wintery cold in spring when cherry blossoms are in full swing.

With this elegant word in my mind, I was instantly transported back to the world of Japanese aesthetics called Wabisabi.

“Hanabie” is officially enrolled in seasonal word collections for Haiku poems, the traditional verses in Japan. It has the power of conjuring up a certain emotional landscape – even here in Germany thousands miles away from the land of the Rising Sun.

What a magic of the language!

💗Take care of yourself in the “cherry blossom chill”.

#花冷え #hanabie #wordoftheseason #japanese #wabisabi #cherryblossom #chill
