
Connected Ink 2021 by Wacom – Now Boarding!

Art, education, animation, the Big Bang, 3D, creative rights, technology, philosophy, music …. all these may sound like a random listing but they are all connected. Connected by digital ink powered by Wacom as part of Connected Ink 2021, an exciting event held by Wacom for the 6th time this year.

👍 And I am very proud to be their extended arm in my capacity as a translator by providing translations from Japanese to English and vice versa for the following website:

I am thrilled to translate some of Connected Ink sessions on a wide variety of topics. Whether you are a creator, an educator, product designer or a legal pro, you should be able to find something exiting at the event.

🚀 On 16 November 2021, the “Connected Ink“ spaceship is taking off for a 27-hour journey through the Creative Chaos. You can follow it online as this year’s Connected Ink will be held as a hybrid event – both online and simultaneously at four different locations (Tokyo, Beijing, Duesseldorf, Portland) around the world.

Have you checked in already? Get your boarding card by registering at the following site.


#connectedink #wacom #translation #English #Japanese #creativechaos #registration #hybritevent #digitalink #Duesseldorf
