
Five Different Mames for "Checking"

🔎 Did you know that the concept of "checking translations” has four or five different names in an ISO standard?
👉 Check, Revision, Review, Proofread, Verification...
But what do they all mean?
As a translator, I’d like to try explaining these terms using Japanese translation.
#ISO17100 , the international quality standard for translation services, was carried over into the #JIS (Japanese Industrial Standards) in March 2021. JIS Y 17100:2021 seems to me to be a mirror-copy of ISO 17100 with only minor amendments.
Here is an overview of the respective terms:
Legend: Japanese (German) (= Retranslation from Japanese into English)
#翻訳者チェック (Kontrolle) (= translator’s check)
#バイリンガルチェック (Revision) (= bilingual check)
#モノリンガルチェック (fachliche Überprüfung) (= monolingual check)
#プルーフリード (Korrekturlesen) (= proofread(ing))
#検品 (Verifizierung) (=outgoing quality inspection when literally translated back)
Indeed, “monolingual check” is much clearer in meaning than its German counterpart “fachliche Überprüfung” (which means “technical review” in English). What still sounds ambiguous in Japanese is the "proofreading" stage, where "proofread(ing)" is simply transcribed from the English in phonetic characters. This is probably because the term "proofreading" is – in my opinion – somehow not sufficiently specified in the ISO standard.
📣 Incidentally, I always work with in-house proofreaders. This means I am readily able to offer translations according to the #two -person #rule .
#übersetzungsnorm #translation #standard #翻訳サービスの要求事項 #vieraugenprinzip #twomanrule
