Reading an article,40

Old Bus in Japan Gets new Life as a Sauna

-a new lease on life 生まれ変わる、息を吹き返す
-convert (v)変える、転換する、切り替える、改装する
-destination (n)行き先、目的地
-institute (v)始める 、創める (n)研究所
-afterward (adv.)その後

Japanese company Shinki Bus in the city of Himeji, in Hyogo prefecture, will make a new business due to reuse of old buses into a sauna. The bus is called the “Sabus,” short for “sauna bus.”
Sabus has two different spaces which are a sauna at the back and an office and rest area at the front. The bus’s old seats are long gone, but old “stop” buttons are still there. Instead of letting the driver know you want to get off, they release water, which creates more steam. The Sabus should be ready for customers by February 2022, and the company says it will most likely be available to rent.

What are your thoughts on the Sabus?
I think Sabus is a very interesting idea. Hyogo prefecture is a little far from the prefecture where I live, so I don’t know whether I can go there to try it, but if I have an opportunity to go to Hyogo when after release to use Sabus, I would like to try it.
I like saunas, and when I lived in an apartment where there were nearby hot springs with saunas, I went there every week. Regrettably, there aren’t saunas nearby in my current apartment. But I have thought I want to go to a sauna due to reading the article. 
(102 words)
