
Reading an article, 57

Japanese Scientists Develop Vaccine TO Fight Aging

-inflammation (n)炎症
-artery (n)動脈 <->vein (n)静脈
-immune system (n)免疫システム
-agility (n)敏捷さ、すばしこさ
-senescent (n)老化
-prompt (v)促す
-commonplace (adj.)ありふれた、当たり前の
-disparity (n)格差、不均衡
-wealth (n)富、財産

The Japanese researchers have developed a vaccine that destroys a specific variety of senescent cell- a type of cell that builds up our bodies over time to cause age-related disease. Damage from senescent cells has been linked to disease and its effects spread though our bodies more as we get older. The vaccine prompts the immune system to create antibodies that attach themselves to these senescent cells, allowing them to be removed by thite blood cells. The vaccine is the phase of trying on mice so far, but it got valuable results. However, the tests will be needed before any studies can be done on humans.

Do you expect effective anti-aging treatments to be commonplace within your lifetime?

I guess it would be implemented at least, even if it wouldn’t be common. The human’s average life span is getting longer year by year. At the same time, long-term care and disease related to aging became more of a problem.
We already find out that it is meaningless to only live longer. So, such the way to improve health life expectancy is really needed by tons of people.
Then, I guess it would be implemented within my lifetime at least. However, such a state-of-the-art treat is commonly expensive. In addition, the disparity in wealth is also becoming big and most of the wealth tends to concentrate on a few rich people. So, I don’t think such a special treat would become commonplace.
(123 words)
