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Japanese Roller Coaster Shut Down After Injuries

steep (adj)急な
shut down (v)〜を閉鎖する、停止する
accelerate (v)加速する、促進する
heal (v)治す、治る
sympathy (v)弔問(ちょうもん:亡くなった方の遺族をたづねてお悔やみを伝えること)、悔やみ
It can not be helped / I can't help it / I have no choice 仕方がない

The Do-Dodompa, which is a Japanese roller coaster in the Fuji-Q Highland theme park in Yamanashi prefecture, has been shut down since August 12 due to several passengers having reported broken bones after riding it. The roller coaster will be shut down until it can be said for certain whether or not the injuries were caused by the ride.
The injuries happened between December 2020 and August 2021, and there were four people who broke bones in the neck and back, and took one month to three months to heal.
However, the theme park only told the government about the injuries on August 17.
Nine more people had reported being injured on the roller coaster in the past, so far.

What are your thoughts on the closing of the Do-Dodonpa roller coaster?
I think it can’t be helped to close the roller coaster because accidents happened.

I have ridden the Do-Dodonpa roller coaster once before. I was really excited when I rode the coaster because I had never experienced such high-speed except for the coaster. Personally, I like this coaster. So, I was really disappointed when I heard the news.

But, people wouldn’t enjoy it without checking its safety. So, I hope the cause will be found out as soon as possible, and it will be resumed which will be safer than before.
(91 words)
