
面白くて危ない!ハンドサインFunny and Risky! Hand Signs

[自力英語日記/Self-help English Diary]

Researched overesea is drama inside handsign interesting

[AI添削/AI editing]

I researched the meaning of hand signs seen in overseas dramas, and it was interesting!





DeepLを使って翻訳/Translated using DeepL  

🤞 means "good luck"
✌️✌️+quickly moving the piece means emphasis, sarcasm, or a teasing nuance.

By the way, 👍 is considered offensive in some parts of Europe and the Middle East 🫨{I'll be careful.



\Diary of Dokuro☠️/  
■I'll write a diary (in Japanese and English) about what I do every day.  
■A pinch of positive information at the end of the diary.  
■A person who secretly runs a snack bar in Bashaku, Kokurakita-ku / sometimes provides business information on Instagram.    

👉I would be very happy if I could get some advice about English :D  

#どくろー #日々の暮らし #日記  #英語日記 #English
