
レイモンド・チャンドラー『ザ・ロング・グッドバイ』を英語で読もう ~ Chapter 8 ~


 マーロウはfelony tank重罪監房の待遇は「なかなかいい」と以下のように解説してくれる。lumpyは塊だらけの、ごつごつした、disinfectantは消毒薬、trustyは模範囚、ampleは十分に、という意味。 

 In the felony tank they treat you pretty well. You get two blankets, neither dirty nor dean, and a lumpy mattress two inches thick which goes over crisscrossed metal slats. There is a flush toilet, a washbasin, paper towels and gritty gray soap. The cell block is dean and doesn't smell of disinfectant. The trusties do the work. The supply of trusties is always ample. 


 In the drunk tank it is not so good. No bunk, no chair, no blankets, no nothing.

You lie on the concrete floor. You sit on the toilet and vomit in your own lap. That is the depth of misery. I've seen it.

 否定形を並べた最後に置かれたno nothingは「まったく何もない」という意味になる。現実は「便器に腰をかけて自分の膝に吐くような惨めさのどん底」ということなのだから、マーロウのいうnot so goodもさらにはpretty wellも半分以上は己を自嘲する皮肉を込めた評価といったところだ。 


They went out at nine p.m. Nobody came through the door or said anything. You might be in the middle of a sentence in a newspaper or magazine. Without any sound of a click or any warning - darkness. And there you were until the summer dawn with nothing to do but sleep if you could, smoke if you had anything to smoke, and think if you had anything to think about that didn't make you feel worse than not thinking at all. 


 後半の3連続の反語的なif youにやるせない気分が漂う。「何か考えごとをするのもいい。なにも考えないよりはましな気分になれるような考えごとがあればの話しだが」。 

 show-up box面通しの部屋でのエピソードのなかでマーロウの容姿が紹介される。 

 Hair dark brown, some gray. Eyes brown. Height six feet, one half inch. Weight about one ninety. Name, Philip Marlowe. Occupation private detective. 




 Then he sat down near his brief-case on the far side of a scarred oak table that came out of the Ark. Noah bought it secondhand. 



 "That position was not quite in my line. I guess I don't have enough tiger in me." 



 I puffed at the cigarette. It was one of those things with filters in them. It tasted like a high fog strained through cotton wool. 

 It was one of those things with filters in themという微妙に回りくどい言い方に小ばかにしたニュアンスが漂っている。「タバコといってもいわゆるフィルターが付いているものだ」という感じか。ちなみにこのタバコはエンディコットがマーロウに勧めたもの。チャンドラーの芸の細かさに脱帽する。 

 high fogは空の低い位置にある霧のような雲のことで霧雲や層雲と呼ばれている、cotton woolは脱脂綿のイギリス風の言い方だそうだ。ちなみにアメリカではabsorbent cottonが一般的らしい。 


 君の弁護をするように指示されている、依頼人は明かせないと述べるエンディコットに対して マーロウが問いただす。 

 "Why the mystery, Mr. Endicott? About who sent you." 

 この一文はabout who sent you が前置詞句であり、Why is about who sent you the mystery, Mr. Endicott? という構文の省略と倒置だと思われる aboutはなくても意味が通じるが、あえてつけているのは「誰があなたを私のところに差し向けたのか」ということに関してだけなぜ秘密にしておくのか?という強調の効果を狙っているのか。 

 2人の考え方の違いが際立つマーロウとエンディコットの会話。catch-allはガラクタ入れ、accessory after the factは事後従犯容疑、fugitiveは逃亡者、bailableは保釈できる、law enforcement people は法を執行する人間、つまり警察側を意味する。 

 "I'm booked on suspicion of murder."

 He shrugged impatiently. "That's just a catch-all. You could have been booked in transit to Pittsburgh, or any one of a dozen charges. What they probably mean is accessory after the fact. You took Lennox somewhere, didn't you?"

I didn't answer. I dropped the tasteless cigarette on the floor and stepped on it. Endicott shrugged again and frowned.

 "Assume you did then, just for the sake of argument. To make you an accessory they have to prove intent. In this case that would mean knowledge that a crime had been committed and that Lennox was a fugitive. It's bailable in any case. Of course what you really are is a material witness. But a man can't be held in prison as a material witness in this state except by court order. He's not a material witness unless a judge so declares. But the law enforcement people can always find a way to do what they want to do." 


 マーロウはエンディコットの弁護を断る。「馬鹿げている」といらだつエンディコット。get offは刑罰を免れる、bruiserは乱暴者、police shieldは盾形の警察の記章のこと、drainはへたばらせる、という意味。 

 "Thanks. Idon't think I do. A guy out on bail is already half guilty in the public mind. If he gets off later on, he bad a smart lawyer."

"That's silly," he said impatiently.

"Okay, it's silly. I'm silly. Otherwise I wouldn't be here. If you're in touch with Lennox, tell him to quit bothering about me. I'm not in here for him. I'm in here for me. No complaints. It's part of the deal. I'm in a business where people come to me with troubles. Big troubles, little troubles, but always troubles they don't want to take to the cops. How long would they come if any bruiser with a police shield could hold me upside down and drain my guts?" 

 “I'm not in here for him. I'm in here for me.” という名セリフの裏には、実はマーロウはマーロウなりの私立探偵としてのちゃんとした計算があってのことなのだ。「警察バッジをつけたごろつきに痛めつけられたぐらいで口を割ったりしたならば、それ以降、誰がそんな私立探偵にところに相談にやってきますか?」。 


マーロウは、大富豪ハーラン・ポッターの娘が殺害されたこの事件が、地方検事までが乗り出しながら、マスコミはなにも騒がないことに疑問を呈する。split onは不和になる、分かれるという意味の口語。 

 "I've had the time. All I know about Mr. Harlan Potter is that he is supposed to be worth a hundred million bucks, and that he owns nine or ten newspapers. How's the publicity going?"

"The publicity?" His voice was ice cold saying it.

"Yeah. Nobody's interviewed me from the press. I expected to make a big noise in the papers out of this. Get lots of business. Private eye goes to jail rather than split on a pal." 



 "You amuse me, Marlowe. You're childish in some ways, True, a hundred million dollars can buy a great deal of publicity. It can also, my friend, if shrewdly employed, buy a great deal of silence." 




to be cotinued.
