短歌と英語版 Tanka in Japanese and Their English Versions: Nov. 2022
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その鯨は星々を口へ流し込み銀河を食べる 星の汐を噴く
Letting countless stars in,
The whale eats a galaxy.
Afterwards, it spouts stars
星空が波打っていた イルカたちが泳ぎ回って波を立てていた
The night sky was
Undulating, with dolphins
Swimming around in it
The moon rose to the sky,
But others followed until
The sky was filled with moons
三日月を脇に抱えて走っていた 次の走者に投げて渡した
Running with a crescent
Under my arm, I passed it
To the next runner
Flying up all at once,
The buildings of the city
Migrate to a new place
The flyer of a kite
Is becoming a thread
From hand to body
Kneed a galaxy well;
Break it into pieces; bake them
With yeast—“Galaxy Bread”
A big key came down
From space, stuck in the ground
And turned itself
I ask a flag,
“Do you like to be fluttering
Or to be drooping?”
蛇のように鎖がこっちへ這ってくる そして私の身体に巻き付く
A chain comes crawling
Like a snake, and winds itself
Around my body
Paper cups as tall
As a man fall from the sky, each
Covering a human
Sand inside an hourglass
Has multiplied and comes out,
Breaking the glass
Huge leaves fall from the sky.
Each of them winds itself round
A human, who lies down
象が鼻で筆をつかんで文字を書く 「私は昔人間だった」
The elephant writes
With a brush held in its trunk,
“I was once a human”
In the darkness, my palms
Glow phosphorescent, right and
Left alternately
歩いているヒマワリをバラが走って追う 距離はだんだん縮まっていく
A walking sunflower
Is followed by a running rose,
The distance shortening
空にたまに矢印雲が現れる その雲はいつも北を指している
An arrow-like cloud appears;
It always points north
Peeling the crescent
Like a banana, the monkey
Eats it with relish
A face-like galaxy:
One night it is smiling, but
The other night scowling
月が急に溶けて沸き立つ 熱せられた鉄板の上のバターのように
The moon suddenly melts
And boils, sizzling like butter
On a hot griddle
They are called “human nose
Ladybirds” as they like settling
On the tip of our nose
My palms repel each
Other like magnets of
The same polarity
吐く息の一吐きが銀河一個になる あちこちたくさん銀河を作る
Each breath I exhale
Becomes a galaxy. Here and
There I make them
All at once, the stars
In the galaxy hatch and
Countless young fish come out
猫畑で猫を掘り出す 猫たちは掘り出されると一度伸びをする
In a cat field,
We dig up cats, which stretch once
When they are dug up
Caterpillars swell and
Float into the air, producing
Light gas in their bodies