短歌と英語版 Tanka in Japanese and Their English Versions: Aug. 2022
Frogs jump through a ring
A few centimetres across
Attached to a stick
うれしいと取っ手をぷるぷる振るカップ うっかり割ったらいたたまれないよ
When happy, the cup wags
Its handle. I take great care
Lest I should break it
窓ガラスに指紋をつけて息をかけた 指紋は日に日に大きくなった
I breathed on the marks
Of my fingers on the pane.
They got larger daily
Every time I pinch
Myself, all the people
Around me feel pain
世の中から停電のように文字が消えた しばらくするとまた現れた
Letters all disappeared
From the world like a blackout, but
They reappeared soon
青空に星形の穴がたくさん開く 星形は雪のように降ってくる
Star-shaped holes are punched
In the blue sky. The small blue
Star shapes fall like snow
All the fruits sold
At the store have handles
Like coffee cups
All the objects, when
Afloat in the air, begin to
Drift exactly northward
Binding those poles which are
Lighter than the air together,
I make a raft and ride
地面から拳を握った手が生える 手が伸びきると拳が開く
Arms with a fisted hand
Grow from the ground. When they have grown
Fully, their fists open
The blue sky through which
Red veins could be faintly seen
Was suddenly slashed
Matter begins to move
Away from the Earth, and forms
A heavenly body
Unless we shake the book
At times, all its letters slither
Toward the bottom
そのミシンは走り回ってこの世界を縫い合わせていく 私も縫われた
Stitching all together,
The sewing machine runs around.
It has stitched me, too
噴石が純度の高い金である火山が噴火 早い者勝ち
A volcano
Emitted nuggets of gold,
Drawing the greedy
I saw a flock of birds
Approaching, but it turned out
A swarm of flying frogs
By the intestines-like
World, I was digested, absorbed,
And excreted
戦場に虹が架かった 「人間が今日は何だか殺し合ってるな」
The rainbow which appeared
Over the battlefield calmly saw
Humans’ massacre
Turning and turning
In “Prison Ferris Wheel,” whose
Gondolas are all cells
The bird I dispatched
To the future reports
What it saw to me
ふと小石を空に投げたら花束になって落ちてきた 別の小石も
A pebble I threw up
Fell as bouquet, and so did
Another pebble
The sunflower reflects
In its flower the viewer’s
Own face like a mirror
All the cars in the world
Collided each other, leaving
No cars intact
The decrepit giant
Died, and was buried in a hole
Dug just beside
幸せが逃げないように閉じこめたらとたんにすうっと消えてしまった Lest it should escape,
I locked in the happiness, but
Instantly it vanished
The people, whose palms
Shed light in the darkness, are
Approaching me, waving
When I face the person,
Wind blows toward me, as if
From an electric fan
Suddenly my body
Began to shrink, and finally
Became a cicada
The cat which waxes and
Wanes once a month is now
At a crescent-like stage
鳥たちを麦わら帽子が追いかける おびえて鳥は必死に逃げる
The straw hat chases birds,
Flying. Terrified, the birds
Flee frantically
跳ねる虹も変だが踊る虹はもっと変だ と言うかもう虹じゃない
A jumping rainbow is
Queer; A dancing one is too queer
To be a rainbow
耳たちが小鳥になって飛び去った 何日かするとまた戻ってきた
Changing into small birds,
My ears flew away, but returned
After a few days
At times the frog, changing
Into a human, lectures
At a college
青空から銀色の文字が降ってくる 地面にしばらく横たわり消える
From the blue sky,
Silver letters fall. They lie
For a while and vanish
A 100-metre
Sprint on one’s hands is too tough, so
It’s a 10-metre sprint
Delighted with
The seat cushion, the moon
Has been on it since then
All the people waiting
For the bus at the bus stop are
Playing at cup and ball
ハンカチで包んで欲しいとレモンが言う 包んでやると礼を言われた
The lemon asked me
To wrap it with a handkerchief.
When I did, it thanked me
蟻が虹を運んでいった 巣の中で幼虫たちに食べさせるため
Ants carried away
The rainbow, to feed it
To their larvae
When I am dejected,
Bees swarm over my body
To comfort me
To catch the rainbow
Like a whale, a fleet of airships
Fly toward it
A cucumber seems
To live in the pond. Sometimes
It leaps into the air
When inhaled through the nose,
The particles induce neighs
Instead of sneezes
The collar, when attached,
Enables any animals
To talk with humans
Words after words,
Flying out of humans’ mouths,
Fall in parabolas
The self-righting doll begs
To be knocked down, as standing up
Again is so much fun
Somehow, each time I sneeze,
All the electricity is
Cut off around me
注文は紙飛行機が聞きに来る 注文を聞くとお辞儀して戻る
Paper planes come to take
Your order. When they have taken,
They bow and return
その人は春から秋は不眠不休 その代わり冬はずっと寝ている
From spring to fall,
The person never sleeps, but
Instead sleeps through winter
時計なのにふわふわとして柔らかい 耳を当てると鼓動が聞こえる
The clock is so soft and
You can hear its heartbeats when you
Put your ear to it