
短歌と英語版 Tanka in Japanese and Their English Versions: Oct. 2020

マジックで「夜」と書かれた箱があった ふたを取ったら中は真っ暗                                                                                                                             201003
     I opened a box
     Labelled “Night.” The inside
     Was all darkness

「馬鹿兎」と心の中でつぶやいたら兎がキッと私を睨んだ                   201004
     “A silly hare,” I said
     Mutely to myself. The hare
     Sharply glared at me

足もとが不意に崖になり墜落した 銀河の上にふわりと落ちた           201010
     I fell, not noticing
     The cliff, and landed softly
     On a galaxy

三日月の形の虹は不気味だからやめてほしいと皆が思った                   201010
     The rainbow tried
     A crescent shape, but it was
     Too unpopular

食卓についた人々が手を合わせいななきますと言いいなないた           201011
     Instead of “I’ll eat,”
     People at the dinner table
     Said “I’ll neigh,” and neighed*

     *In Japan, the well-mannered people say, “itadaki-masu,” which means “I’ll  eat,” before a meal at the table, but “people” above said, “inanaki-masu,” which means “I’ll neigh,” punning on “itadaki-masu” (and neighed, too surreally).

虹なんていくつ食べても雨だから腹の足しにはならないのだった        201013
     Eating rainbows did not
     Fatten me; it only filled
     My stomach with water

星々が花粉のように粉を散らす季節が今年もまたやってきた               201014
     Every year about
     This time, the stars all scatter
     Pollen-like powder

私は別の宇宙から来ましたので別宇宙人と呼んで下さい                      201016
     I’ve come from another
     Universe, so please call me

人類は科学が宇宙は永遠ではないと告げたらどうするのだろう?*   201018
     Should science tell them
     The universe is not eternal,
     How would humans react?*

     *Humans already know that the earth will be gulped by the sun, which will swell at the final stage of its life, but no one seems to be much affected by this knowledge; the event is billions years ahead and by the time, humans will have managed to emigrate to other planets. But, should science conclude that this universe is not eternal, destined to its final cease, how would humans react to that scientific knowledge? By that time, will the existence of other universes be also established, together with the ways to escape to them? Even if this is not the case, will too far a distance to the extinction of this universe make humans nonchalant about the extinction? Or despite the great distance to the event, will the knowledge that this universe will finally cease to exist create deep despair in humans? Of course, science may conclude otherwise about the destiny of this universe. I long to know science’s conclusion and humans’ reaction to it, and am very sorry that I will not be able to live long enough to know them.

私が宙返りしたら張り合って虹も跳ね上がり宙返りした                      201019
     Seeing me somersault,
     The rainbow somersaulted,
     To compete with me

手の倍の長さに伸びる舌を使いおかずを交換し合うカップル               201019
     The couple exchange
     Their foods, using their tongues which
     Stretch twice as long as arms

蛙たちが集まってきたら物語を蛙の言葉で語って聞かせる                   201019
     When frogs gather round me,
     I tell them a story
     With their language

笛のように三日月を吹く 星々がカスタネットになって降ってくる    201019
     As I blow the crescent
     Like a flute, the stars fall,
     Becoming castanets

太陽がしゃっくりすると少し後に月も必ずしゃっくりをする               201020
     Each time the sun hiccups,
     The moon also hiccups,
     Delaying a little

ある案山子の頭に別の案山子が乗り見えなくなるまで空へ伸びている                                                                                                                             201021
     Towering scarecrows,
     One getting on another,
     Its top too high to see

砂埃のように銀河が吹き付ける 通り過ぎるまで目を閉じて待つ        201024
     A galaxy goes by,
     Making us shut our eyes,
     Like a sandstorm

サボテンはカレーのルーをかけたとたん全身ぷるぷる震え始めた*      201027
     I put curry sauce
     On the cactus, which began
     To tremble all over*

     *Why did the cactus tremble? Was it indignant, imagining itself insulted? Was the curry so hot and spicy as to make it tremble? Or did it fear that it was about to be eaten with curry? After all, why on earth did “I” put curry sauce on the cactus? Did the cactus feel like laughing at the absurdity of the act, but try to refrain from bursting into laughter, and tremble?

クラゲたちが歌っていると言われ耳を澄ますとかすかに歌が聞こえた                                                                                                                             201028
     The jellyfish are
     Singing, they say. Faintly, indeed
     I hear them singing

独楽のように速く回りすぎ私は円盤状になってしまった                      201028
     Spinning too fast
     Like a top, my body has
     Become disk-like

個々の星はそれぞれ花びら 全体で一つの大きな花である銀河           201028
     A galaxy is
     A huge flower, each star being
     One of its petals

粉末になったらとても心地よくて元の身体に戻れなくていい               201029
     Being pulverized,
     I feel a great comfort, not
     Missing my former state

草食の動物たちはおとなしく見えるが草にとっては猛獣                      201031
     Despite their gentle look,
     Herbivores are, for grass,
     Dreadful beasts of prey

この宇宙は出来損ないでゴミのようにたくさん星ができてしまった    201031
     This universe
     Is a botched one, impure
     With the dregs-like stars

星空のとある銀河が鳥の群になって地球の空を訪れた                          201031
     A certain galaxy,
     Changing into a flock of birds,
     Visited the Earth’s sky
