短歌と英語版 Tanak in English and Their English Versions: Nov. 2014
↑ 背景でぼーっと見えているのは福岡タワー(福岡市) ↑ Looming behind is Fukuoka Tower (Fukuoka City)
顕微鏡をのぞくと夜空の星が見えた もう一度見ると私が見えた
Through a microscope,
A starry sky was seen; I was
Seen at another time
カタツムリが虹に向かって這っていた 目を真っ直ぐに虹の方へ向け
A snail was heading
Towards the rainbow, looking
Steadily at it
Would you like it, if
Silent butterflies should be
Creatures which mew
Though there are no railways
Nearby, rattling of running trains
Is heard at night
A snowman, floating
Ten centimetres above
The ground, follows me
When asked, “how many
Are you,” I feel as if I had
So many replicas*
*In Japanese, the question “How many years old are you?” sounds like “How many are you?”
There was a small man
In a floating soap bubble, but
Vanished with the bubble
Like so many snowflakes,
The leaves of trees fall on the ground
And melt away
The snowman dwindled
Away, keeping its shape, not
Crumbling amorphously
As the third hair has come
Out on my head, I went to show
It to those with two hairs
The rainbow calls to us
To tell when and where it will
Appear, and so does it