
2023年の暗号コイン23 (パート2/2)  23 crypto coins for 2023 (part 2/2)

23 crypto coins for 2023 (part 2/2)
2023年の暗号コイン23 (パート2/2) 

The Wolf of Wallet Street

Feb 27, 2023

Alright, part 2, let’s get straight into it.

12.Solana ($SOL)

Solana is so funny to me because it went from “the Ethereum killer” and “the future of web3” to “a dead coin” and “a centralized piece of sh*t that goes down 10 times/year”, while still having the exact same fundamentals.

I think SOL is extremely undervalued right now. A return to an all-time high would give a 10x ROI. Granted, a big part of SOL’s inflated evaluation had to do with FTX shenanigans. But people are acting like it’s done. I was one of the biggest supporters of the “SOL is overrated mantra” but the recent hate is too much, even for me.

Solana has plenty of developer activity (and interest), the second-biggest NFT ecosystem, and the potential to become the market leader in crypto gaming. These are two, potentially multibillion-dollar industries. But it doesn’t stop there.
ソラーナは、開発者の活動(と関心) がたくさんあり、2番目に大きなNFTエコシステムで、暗号ゲームのマーケットリーダーになる可能性を秘めています。この2つは、数億万ドルとなる可能性のある産業です。しかし、それだけではありません。

I think the real x-factor for Solana is their mobile plans. And not, I’m not just talking about the Solana phone. I don’t see this serving as anything more than a proof of concept. What I’m talking about, is SMS (Solana Mobile Stack).
ソラーナの本当のXファクターは、彼らの携帯プランだと思います。そうではなく、私はソラーナ電話のことだけを言っているのではありません。私は、このサービスが概念実証以上のものだとは思いません。私が話しているのは、SMS (ソラーナ携帯スタック) です。

Solana Mobile Stack brings web3 to Android smartphones. Imagine people building dApps just like they’re building apps. Solana promised that there will be a dApp store, you will be able to make crypto transactions effortlessly, and you’ll be able to mint NFTs on your phone.

The smartphone market is a trillion-dollar opportunity and Solana might have the first-mover advantage. Will this work? I don’t know. Is this a good risk/reward opportunity? Hell yes.
スマートフォン市場は1兆ドル規模のチャンスであり、ソラーナは先行者利益を得るかもしれません。これは上手く行くのか? 私は分かりません。これは良いリスク/リターンの機会ですか? 絶対そうです。

13. Thorchain ($RUNE)
13. ソーチェイン($RUNE)

Thorchain provides the infrastructure for the decentralized swapping of assets in different chains. Think of it as Uniswap but instead of swapping an ERC-20 token for another ERC-20 token, you can swap i.e. BTC for ETH, or ATOM for BNB. Before ThorChain, this was primarily done through bridges and wrapped tokens, but bridges can get hacked. ThorChain does it safer and better.

The future is definitely cross-chain and there’s a big market for what ThorChain is trying to do. If they manage to keep their position as industry leaders, their token will blow up in the next bull market. This is not going to be easy. Protocols like Layer Zero are coming in hot, and they have a lot of funding and support.

14. Avalanche ($AVAX)
14. アバランチ($AVAX)

It may look like another Layer 1 but it’s not. The technology is superb and I’ve been very impressed with their ability to pivot. They recently launched the Multiverse program, a $290M incentive fund to encourage the development of their subnet’s ecosystem.
別の層1 のように見えるかもしれませんが、そうではありません。テクノロジーは素晴らしく、ピボットする能力に非常に感銘を受けました。彼らは最近、サブネットのエコシステムの開発を促進するために、2億9000万ドルのインセンティブファンドであるマルチバースプログラムを立ち上げました。

Basically, they want the Avalanche subnets to become something like Cosmos or Polkadot, a network of application-specific blockchains that communicate with each other and deliver value to the AVAX ecosystem. They’ve already partnered with projects like DeFi Kingdoms and Aave and seem to be focusing heavily on onboarding institutions.
基本的に、彼らはアバランチサブネットをコスモスやポルカドットのようなもの、相互に通信し、AVAXエコシステムに価値を提供するアプリケーション固有のブロックチェーンのネットワークになることを望んでいます。彼らはすでにDeFi KingdomsやAaveなどのプロジェクトと提携しており、オンボーディングの機関投資家に重点を置いているようです。

15. ImmutableX ($IMX)
15. インミュータブルX ($IMX)

Another Layer2, but optimized for NFTs and gaming, with one of the most impressive technologies in the space. They have their hands on zero-knowledge rollups as they’re building with StarkWare and their scalability is insane. You can do millions of NFTs in volume and pay essentially zero gas fees.


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