傾聴力についていくつかのポイント。 Several points about the power of listening.
Several points about the power of listening.
Issue #273 of the Better Humans Newsletter. Subscribe here for inspiration and knowledge.
Tony Stubblebine
トニー スタブルバイン著
Aug 24
Here’s a little bit about the power of listening.
The first time that I coached under someone else’s supervision was with a team of other coaches going into a high-profile company.
The coaching supervisor was a very high-level coach, and he’d set us up with a simple structure for our coaching sessions.
But despite his training, he could see the anxiety on the face of every coach in the group.
So he gave us a little pep talk that started, “I can see that none of you are confident that this will work. But for what you are about to do, you can borrow my confidence. I know it will work.”
それで彼は我々に始めるにあたり小さい激励演説をしました、「私はあなたのいずれもこれがうまくいくであろうことを確信していないのを見ることができます。 けれどもあなたがしようとしていることのために、あなたは私の自信を借りることができます。 私はそれが上手く行くであろうことを知っています。」
This coach continued his pep talk a bit further, though.
“Most people have nobody in their life who truly listens to them with 100% attention. So no matter what else happens in your coaching sessions, you will be the first person to ever truly listen to them.”
「たいていの人々が100%の注目して本当に彼らに耳をかたむけるものは彼らの生活で誰もいません。 それでほかに何があなたのコーチングセッションで起きるかにかかわらず、あなたは常に本当に彼らに耳をかたむける最初の人になるでしょう。」
There are so many practical reasons to develop your listening skills, but the first is simply that it is a powerful gift to other people.
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