
現代貨幣理論とビットコインは調和できるか?(Can Modern Monetary Theory and Bitcoin be Reconciled?)

Can Modern Monetary Theory and Bitcoin be Reconciled?

BTC isn’t money — and that’s good news for both investors and MMT economists

Trasaterra | Authenticity Attracts

Published in Predict

May 28, 2024

I’ve been a passive investor in Bitcoin (BTC) since 2017, experiencing its euphoric highs and depressing lows. Recently, I’ve tried to educate myself on Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). MMT is an economic framework showing that currency-issuing governments can’t run out of money and should fund full employment and social programs, viewing deficits as beneficial.

I will analyze the Bitcoin Satoshi White Paper with my understanding of MMT to determine if there can be harmony between these two seemingly different economic paradigms. Anecdotally, I have encountered Bitcoin investors who hate MMT and MMT economists who dismiss Bitcoin as money. I don’t believe Bitcoin should be considered money, and this may be my way to bridge MMT and BTC.

The Title: Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System

From an MMT perspective, the title is problematic. If it had been called “a peer-to-peer digital value system,” MMT economists might not be as suspicious. In MMT, only the government can issue currency, and only currency can be called cash. This initial misnomer likely contributes to the hostility MMT proponents have towards BTC. To reconcile the two, I will substitute the word “cash” with “value” throughout the white paper. Admittedly, this isn’t an ideal start.
MMTの観点からは、このタイトルは問題がある。もしMMTが「ピア・ツー・ピアのデジタル価値体系」と呼ばれていたら、MMTのエコノミストはそれほど疑わなかったかもしれない。MMTでは、政府だけが通貨を発行でき、通貨だけが現金と呼ぶことができます。この最初の誤った名称は、MMT支持者がBTCに対して抱く敵意の一因となっている可能性があります。この 2 つを調和させるために、ホワイト ペーパー全体で "現金" という言葉を "価値" に置き換えます。確かに、これは理想的なスタートではありません。


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