
ビットコイン、強気市場、そしてその先:2024年に300%の急騰に備えた暗号通貨3つ(Bitcoin, Bull Market, and Beyond: 3 Cryptocurrencies Primed For 300% Surge In 2024)

Bitcoin, Bull Market, and Beyond: 3 Cryptocurrencies Primed For 300% Surge In 2024

Captain Crypto

Apr 18, 2024

The global cryptocurrency market has seen thousands of cryptocurrencies as we speak and to date, Bitcoin steers the staggering $2.6 Trillion market. Bitcoin price movements set the course for the broader crypto market. Leading cryptocurrency BTC hit an all-time high of $73K surging nearly 200% in the past year. Many believe this should be the trigger event for the crypto bull market while others still await Bitcoin halving.
世界の暗号通貨市場では、私たちが話しているように何千もの暗号通貨が見られ、今日までビットコインは驚異的な2.6兆ドルの市場のハンドルを握っています。 ビットコインの価格変動は、より広範な暗号市場の進路を設定します。主要な暗号通貨BTCは、過去1年間で73000ドルの史上最高値を記録し、200%近く急騰しました。多くの人がこれが暗号強気市場のトリガーイベントであるべきだと信じていますが、他の人はまだビットコインの半減を待っています。

The bull market is one crucial and much-awaited period for investors to make substantial gains over their crypto investments. The accumulation of potential crypto assets started during the bear market or recovery phases. The present time is among the optimum time before the imminent bull market. However, $JUP, $MNW, and $AMP present lucrative opportunities that will stay relevant during and beyond the crypto bull run.

Jupiter ($JUP)

Jupiter is a comprehensive and versatile ecosystem within the Solana blockchain, designed to facilitate seamless cryptocurrency exchanges and liquidity provision. Its native token, $JUP, plays a pivotal role within this ecosystem, being utilized for transaction fees, governance, and incentivizing liquidity providers. Jupiter aims to optimize trading strategies by aggregating liquidity from various sources, ensuring users receive the best possible trade execution.


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