
メタバースは、ゼロになるのか?! (連邦捜査官はその後に来ている!!)Is Metaverse Going to Zero?! (The FEDs are coming after it!!)

Is Metaverse Going to Zero?! (The FEDs are coming after it!!)
メタバースは、ゼロになるのか?! (連邦捜査官はその後に来ている!!)

Metaverse and NFT projects such as Bored Apes are the next targets for FEDs. Are they all going downhill?
退屈な類人猿のようなメタバースとNFTプロジェクトは連邦捜査官の次の標的だ。 それらはすべて下り坂になっているか?

Is Metaverse Going To Zero?! (The FEDs are coming after it!!)メタバースはゼロになるか?! (連邦準備制度はその後に来ている!!)

White Hat Crypto

Oct 2, 2022

The metaverse is a modern online world that includes a digital economy and an immersive virtual environment, as well as other social aspects.

This relatively new area has acquired so much momentum in recent years that conservative estimates indicate that its overall worth might exceed $800 billion by 2024.

Meta (the parent company of Facebook and Instagram), Google, Microsoft, Nvidia, Nike, and other Fortune-100 companies have made significant metaverse investments.

Enormous valuations, however, bring great scrutiny from even more tech-savvy financial authorities. Unlike traditional software businesses, which generally prioritize growth above money for years, some metaverse initiatives push dodgy monetization techniques on their customers before providing a live experience.
巨大な評価は、しかしながら、さらにいっそう技術通の金融当局から大きい綿密な調査をもたらします。 一般に、何年もの間お金よりも成長に優先順位を付ける伝統的なソフトウェアビジネスと異なり、生の経験を提供する前に、若干のメタバースイニシアティブは彼らの顧客に危険な収益化手法を強要します。

Big Time Games, for example, sells land in its metaverse before allowing entry to the game!

Typically, the Securities and Exchange Commission does not intervene until retail investors are subjected to the exploitative pursuit of their funds without complete transparency of what they are investing in.

The boundary between what constitutes security is frequently blurred, yet in the case of the metaverse, the process of land sales should be regarded as security under US law.

GameFi platforms like Axie Infinity show how quickly metaverse ventures may generate multibillion-dollar economies. Because of their size, they require internal controls and monetary policies comparable to those of multinational banks or even small nations.
Axie InfinityのようなGameFiプラットフォームは、メタバースベンチャーが数十億ドル規模の経済をいかに迅速に生み出すかを示します。その規模のために、多国籍銀行や小国に匹敵する内部統制と貨幣政策が必要です。

They should be forced to employ officers who communicate with government authorities and even do ‘Know Your Customer’ procedures for significant transactions.

Financialization is heavily linked to the metaverse. While there is no physical harm that can be caused in the metaverse (currently), a great deal of financial damage has already been done.
金融化はメタバースと密接に関連しています。メタバースで引き起こされる可能性のある物理的な危害は (現在は) ありませんが、すでに多大な経済的損害が発生しています。

This year, the firm behind the Bored Apes Yacht Club nonfungible tokens (NFTs) was hacked when a community manager’s Discord account was stolen. NFTs worth 200 Ether were stolen by hackers.

A group of Wall Street firms was fined $1.8 billion recently for using “restricted” texting applications. Yuga Labs and other metaverse ventures could face similar severe fines for failing to install safe monetary and technological controls.
ウォール街の企業のあるグループは最近、「制限された」テキストメッセージアプリケーションを使用したとして18億ドルの罰金を科されました。Yuga Labsやその他のメタバースベンチャーは、安全な金銭的および技術的管理を設置できなかった場合、同様の厳しい罰金に直面する可能性があります。


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