
仮想通貨ICO 対 空中投下Crypto Airdrop Vs. ICO

Crypto Airdrop Vs. ICO
仮想通貨ICO 対 空中投下

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Sam Maiyaki
サム マイヤキ

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Airdrops and initial coin offerings (ICOs) are only two of the many entrances points bitcoin startups use daily.

Free tokens of a new or even an existing cryptocurrency are sent to participants in an “airdrop.”

Suppose they meet the criteria for the airdrop. Any new and old cryptocurrency can be used for this purpose.
それらが空中投下の基準を満たすと仮定してください。 どんな新しい、そして古い暗号通貨でもこの目的のために使うことができます。

The condition might be that they do certain tasks to aid the project’s development, have a specific cryptocurrency, or have just used a service.

This essay isn’t only about airdrops; there’s a lot to know about crypto and NFT airdrops if you want to earn free tokens or coins.
このエッセイは空中投下についてだけではありません;もしあなたが無料のトークンあるいはコインの収入を稼ぎたいなら仮想通貨と NFTの空中投下について知るべきことがたくさんあります。

First Coin Offerings (ICOs) are distributed to the crypto community like airdrops to gain exposure for a new cryptocurrency venture.

They also facilitate people’s ability to invest in the nascent bitcoin market. But an airdrop is not the same as an ICO.
それらは同じく発生期のビットコイン市場で人々の投資能力を促します。 けれども空中投下はICOと同じものではありません。

Also, See: 3 Cryptos Set to Soar in 2022
同じく、参照: 2022年に急騰する予定の仮想通貨3つ

The Distinctions between Airdrops and ICOs

One fundamental difference between an ICO and an airdrop is that ICO participants are not obligated to make any financial investment, but airdrop participants are.
ICOと空中投下の間の1つの基本的な相違は ICO参加者は金融投資をするよう義務づけられないが、しかし空中投下参加者は義務付けられるということです。

If someone contributes to a project and does a good deed, they can be eligible for an airdrop as compensation.

For example, the Uniswap decentralized exchange airdrop of 2020 gave all participants 400 UNI tokens as a gesture of gratitude for their prior involvement with the platform.


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