
ビットコイン対ゴールドETF Bitcoin versus Gold ETF

Bitcoin versus Gold ETF

Bitcoin vs Gold ETF ビットコイン対ゴールドETF

Crypto Rookies

‎Jan. 13, 2024


The Bitcoin Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) after much reluctance was finally approved by the US government. This represents a major milestone for the cryptocurrency market as pension plans and other long-term investment portfolios will now be allowed to allocate a portion of their capital into Bitcoin. Bitcoin has long been associated with digital gold, in this article we will discuss this relationship and its implications on what could be expected to the price of Bitcoin over the next decade.

I recently created an aggressive crypto portfolio that could transform a $25,000 investment into $1,000,000 within a year and a half. This portfolio contains a portion of Bitcoin as part of the growth strategy. For frequent changes to the portfolio, I will keep my community informed on x.com/Crypto_Rookies.

Also, check out a panel discussion on YouTube.


Every four years, the crypto industry undergoes massive growth until the market crashes again. If timing follows previous patterns, the next crash may be somewhere after mid-2025. Until then, it is likely that momentum from Bitcoin & Ethereum ETF will fuel early growth in the market. Also, the GAAP accounting rules will be modified to be more favorable to crypto assets, and finally, the US election will be occurring which could mean additional liquidity into the market fueling high-risk assets. Overall, we can expect sustained growth for the Bitcoin and upcoming Ethereum ETF that may outlast a single 4-year crypto cycle.

Supply Side: Gold versus Bitcoin

Gold over the past 100 years has experienced an increase in supply of approximately 1.8% per year. Given the increased demand (50%+) primarily driven from the creation of jewelry, not necessarily driven by the Gold ETF, the price had to go up. We have to be aware that gold production may fluctuate, and that the existing supply of gold is never truly lost, and is unlikely to ever stop increasing. After all, if the supply of gold on Earth is ever maxed out, there is always the possibility of asteroid mining as technology and our will to mine it increases.

Meanwhile, Bitcoin’s supply production reduces by half every 4 years until a maximum of 21,000,000 BTC has been mined. Between 2020 and 2024, there should be 1,312,500 new BTC mined from 18,375,000 which represent about 1.79% per year (very close to Gold production). However, the next halving expected to occur in April 2024 will see this production reduce to 0.89% per year (between 2024 and 2028), and then 0.44% per year (between 2028 and 2032), etc. There has never been a financial asset that behaved in this manner in regard to supply restriction in the history of the world.
一方、ビットコインの供給量は、最大21,000,000BTCが採掘されるまで、4年ごとに半分に減少します。2020年から2024年の間に、18,375,000から1,312,500の新しいBTCが採掘され、これは年間約1.79%に相当します。(金生産に非常に近い) しかし、2024年4月に予定されている次の半減期では、この生産量は年間0.89%、(2024年から2028年の間) その後は(2028年から2032年の間) 年間0.44%などに減少します。世界史上、供給制限に関してこのように振る舞った金融資産はありませんでした。


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