
ナイトクラブ& Web3 ゲーム   Night Clubs & Web3 Games

Night Clubs & Web3 Games
ナイトクラブ& Web3 ゲーム

What Can Web3 Games Learn from Night Club Economics?
Web3 ゲームはナイトクラブ経済学から何を学ぶことができるか?

Vader Research

Jul 18, 2023

Last month we got invited to a crypto party at NFT NYC. The party was top-notch in terms of production quality, live performance, and venue. Everything was great but there was something unusual. Crypto events/parties are typically known for having a lack of women due to the lack of women in the industry.
先月我々は NFT NYC での仮想通貨パーティーに招待されました。 パーティーは演出品質、ライブ演奏と会場に関して一流でした。 すべてが素晴らしかったが、しかし何か通常でないものがありました。 仮想通貨イベント / パーテイーは、典型的に、業界女性の欠如故に女性を欠くことで、知られています。

Yet this party had a well-balanced female-male ratio. More surprisingly, women attending the party seemed overly attractive and well-dressed compared to the average female crypto event attendant.

Who were they? Why were they there? And most importantly, how would their existence impact the behavior of the average crypto event participant?
彼女らは誰なのか? 彼女らはなぜそこにいたのか? そして最も重要なことに、彼女らの存在はどのように平均的な仮想通貨イベント参加者の振舞いに影響を与えるだろうか?

We’re going to cover:

1.         Web2 Game Economics
Web2 ゲーム経済学

2.         F2P Game Economics
F2P ゲーム経済学

3.         Night Club Economics

4.         VIP Night Club Economics

5.         Whales & VIPs

6.         Paid Participants

7.         Web3 Game Economics
Web3 ゲーム経済学

8.         Problems with Play-to-Earn & Play-and-Earn

9.         Gold Farming Problem & Blue Collar Grinders

10.     Which Players Should Get Paid?

Web2 Game Economics
Web2 ゲーム経済学

Before the mass adoption of smartphones and the growth of the mobile gaming industry, a game was sold in a box at retail outlets at a fixed price. You would pay $50 to buy the game regardless of whether you loved the game or hated it, whether you consumed the whole content in a weekend or over multiple years, whether you were willing to spend much more or could barely afford it.
スマートフォンの大量採用とモバイルゲーム産業の成長の前に、ゲームは固定価格で小売販売店で箱入りで売られました。 あなたは、そのゲームが大好きか、あるいはそれが大嫌いであるかどうか、あなたが週末にあるいは複数年にわたって内容全体を使いつくすかどうか、あなたが喜んではるかに多くの時間を使うか、あるいはほとんどそれに時間を費やす余裕がないかどうかにかかわらず、あなたは遊戯を買うために50ドルを支払うでしょう。

The 2 main actors were the game developer and players. The game developer created the content and sold it for a fixed price whereas players paid for the content to finance the game development & distribution. The relationship was simple and straightforward. The game developer had financial motivations whereas players had physiological motivations.

There were other actors as well such as retail distribution platforms and hardware producers but we will ignore those as they are out of this article’s scope.

F2P Game Economics
F2P ゲーム経済学

The mass adoption of smartphones led to the rise of the mobile free-to-play gaming industry. These games offered some content for free and some were premium. Mobile allowed game developers to collect, analyze, and test user behavior which enabled them to optimize what % of content should be free vs paid in addition to what the pricing should be per premium content and per type of user.

The 4 main actors of an F2P game are the game developer, players, whales, and advertisers. The game developer creates the content, players play some content for free, watch ads and/or pay to play some of the premium content, whales spend huge sums of money to get access to the premium content, and advertisers pay the game developer to show ads to players. The game developer and advertisers have financial motivations whereas players and whales have physiological motivations.

There are also intermediary platforms that facilitate distribution, transactions, and payments such as ad platforms (Facebook, Unity), app stores (Apple, Google) and payment processors but since our focus is on the interaction between the players, we will ignore ad platforms and app stores.

For some F2P games, +50% of revenue comes from 0.15% of the players and +95% of revenue comes from 2%. These figures show how crucial whales’ retention and spending behavior is for the financial viability of a game. In other words, whales subsidize the game for the remaining 98% who don’t spend at all or spend relatively less. Advertising revenue standalone is typically insufficient to cover the development and marketing costs.
一部の F2P ゲームでは、収益の 5%以上は 0.15% のプレーヤーから得られ、収益の 95%以上はクジラの2%から得られます。これらの数字は、クジラの保持と消費行動がゲームの経済的存続にとっていかに重要であるかを示しています。言い換えれば、クジラは、まったくお金を使わないか、比較的少ないお金を費やしている残りの 98% に対してゲームに補助金を出しているということです。通常、単独の広告収入だけでは開発コストやマーケティングコストをカバーするには不十分です。


Not all games have the same revenue distribution, some games might have a spending distribution where the top 25% represent 50% of revenue. There are also games that solely rely on advertising revenue such as hypercasual games.
すべてのゲームが同じ収益配分を持っているわけではく、トップ25%が収益の50%を表す出費配分を持っているかもしれません。 同じく超カジュアルゲームのような広告収入だけに頼るゲームがあります。

NightClub Economics

Non-VIP nightclubs and bars have straightforward economics. There is a price list for each drink and each client would have to pay a fixed entry price and the same price for any given item on the menu regardless of whether you are a billionaire or a homeless guy, whether you are a 20 yr old supermodel or a 80 yr old grandma.

The 2 main actors of the non-VIP night clubs are the club operator and participants. The club provides a venue with drinks, food, and music, whereas participants pay for the entry and drinks/food to finance the club operator’s operations. The club operator has financial motivations whereas participants have physiological motivations.

The club operator doesn’t directly create content but provides a platform that allows participants to create their own user-generated content which attracts/retains other participants just like a social media platform such as Instagram or Twitter. Our definition of content here is every social interaction that results in the increase of certain emotions and physiological chemicals in one or multiple participants.

The glance of one participant to another, the dress one wears, and the way one dances or drinks are all considered content produced by users and have an impact on other participants’ experiences. It affects whether participants have positive or negative emotions associated with the club which will then affect their engagement, retention and monetization.


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