
DeFiへのソフトランディングの影響Effect of a Soft Landing on DeFi

Effect of a Soft Landing on DeFi

Profitable Investing Tips

Published in Blockchain Biz

Jul 27, 2023

After more than a year of the US Federal Reserve raising interest rates, inflation is down substantially. There were many predictions of a big rise in unemployment and the economy falling into a recession. Neither has happened. The Fed may have pulled off the difficult task of raising interest rates, driving inflation down, and ending up with an economic soft landing. This is significant for folks working in decentralized finance as it was the series of Fed rate increases that brought on crypto winter and caused the collapse of many DeFi businesses. Just what will be the effect of a soft landing on DeFi?
米連邦準備制度理事会 (FRB)が利上げを開始して1年以上が経過し、インフレ率は大幅に低下しています。失業率が大幅に上昇し、経済が景気後退に陥るという予測が多かった。どちらも起こっていません。FRBは、金利を引き上げ、インフレ率を引き下げ、経済のソフトランディングという困難な課題をやり遂げたのかもしれません。これは、FRBの一連の利上げが仮想通貨の冬をもたらし、多くのDeFiビジネスの崩壊を引き起こしたため、分散型金融で働く人々にとって重要です。ソフトランディングがDeFiに及ぼす影響はどうなのか?

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What Is a Soft Versus a Hard Economic Landing?

A classic hard landing of the economy occurred in the 1980s. Inflation raged throughout the 1970s. The Federal Reserve under chairman Paul Volcker raised interest rates to 20%. You can compare that to the Fed having raised rates to 5.25% today. The Fed succeeded in stopping inflation. It also caused a recession. It lasted only from 1981 to 1982 but was the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. Unemployment went up for the next seven years. The Fed went at the task of fighting inflation much more gradually this time around with a quarter and half a point rate increase. The result appears to be a soft landing with employment strong and only a mild recession if one happens at all. Thus, a soft landing does not lead to a severe economic recession which is the point in regard to decentralized finance.


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