
Inspiration from Vipassana meditation ヴィパッサナー瞑想からのインスピレーション

(English in below)





当初の目的の子供に仏教的な感覚を伝えるとゆう事は果たせた気がする。「自分の事を客観的に見るのって大事だよって」子供に口で言っても理解できるのはいつ頃なのだろうか? まるで泳ぐ事を水が無い所で説明している様な感覚で、体で身につける事が手っ取り早いとは思う。ただ、あまりこの行為に願望をかけすぎて行くと逆に執着が強くなるのでやめた方が良いと思った。もし、具体的な悪い部分を直したいと願望があるのなら気功の方が短時間で直ぐに解決すると思う。次回は気功について説明できたらと思う。

I thought that meditation was nice skill to away from the overload information in modern society. I focus on art output here, but I also useful skill for other things in childcare, work and everyday life.

Originally, I was interested in meditation because I felt that I was the only person who could teach Buddhism to my kid since my wife is German. Then I read various Dalai Lama and Buddhist books, but I couldn't explain them in my own words, and even if I could do it, it wasn't real. At that time, if I experience meditation by myself, I can teach the essence of Buddhism to children.

Vipassana meditation is a meditation method that Buddha has enlightened and does not speak for 10 days for 100 hours.
At first, my legs hurt so badly and I couldn't stand it, so I felt like going back home in a day. It was difficult to face me for 10 days with no excuse, but gradually my feelings changed. I started to feel less pain when I started to see myself objectively after about 3 days. It feels as if I’m looking at myself from the top, and it is less affected by the current emotions by feeling emotions as always flowing like a cloud flow.

The experience of observing such emotions through the body was a valuable experience as an input of art expression rather than information obtained from the Internet. The memory felt by the body is more real and energetic than thought in the brain. It was the moment I felt there was a source of subconsciousness.
Another valuable experience in creating works was that I couldn't talk to anyone during the lunch break, so when I was watching nature for a long time, I felt like a meditation. When I looked at nature for about 5 minutes without thinking anything and observed the details of nature, I felt rested with a feeling similar to that when I was meditating with peace of mind. It was the moment I felt it was a meditation to see. This is easy to do anywhere, so I would recommend it to anyone reading it. In places where there is no nature, it is easy to look at the sky and observe it.

However, I couldn’t make artwork immediately after finishing Vipassana Meditation. It was certainly a wonderful experience to purify myself in meditation, but when I tried to express it as it is, there was lacking the realism and I couldn’t satisfied with it so much.
Now, as time passes, I can see the Vipassana meditation itself objectively and may have been balanced with the real world. I think that the combination of meditation purifying the world and human nature makes the work interesting. Sometimes I like a healthy life that doesn't drink alcohol in real life, but I also like the sense to allow people’s foolish by drinking alcohol.

After I started to create works recently I’m not doing meditation so much. I think this is because the creation itself is a meditative feeling.
I feel like I was able to communicate a Buddhist sense to the kids for the original purpose. But, I’m wondering that if I explain to the kids that it’s important to look at yourself objectively by word, How long will take for the kids to master the objective point of view? I feel like I’m teaching swimming without water. It’s easy to learn it by doing it. Meanwhile when you start meditation, better not to have a desire. Which makes obsession stronger. If you have a desire to fix a specific bad part, Qigong will solve it in a short time. Next time, I’d like to explain the Qigong experience.
