
生活改善1ヶ月目結果発表 PCOS


Last I wrote my blog was 8th of April… I skipped the blog for 2 weeks - I actually had no power to write something up. 


8th of April, my period supposed to end, however, my period is still on until today. Its not called "period" anymore, its abnormal uterine bleeding.


On 13th of April, I was travelling domestically (work) and had busy weekend but my bleeding was getting worse that time. I was taking a pill everyday and feeling bit strange. 


Monday I came home, but by that time I needed to change my pat for every hour, lots of bleeding. From Tuesday to Friday, I was unwell and feeling dizzy, my face was pale. I consulted my doctor but they are not available to see me until the day I booked (May)… Oi, by the time, the things might get worse or change!!!


Honestly I really dont have power to say so. I just need somehow this bleeding to stop and getting the normal cycle. I know this should be the side effect of this medication but hey I am having this bleeding everyday for this month of April. 


Now my health is getting better but I am overly emotional this month. Still now, I take everything absolutely negative, my tears came down suddenly daytime, I have no idea what is going on!


My Weight has been down anyway. Looks like I can achieve my goal weight for this month too,,, but reality, I am not really caring about my weight but bleeding. 


Hope I can find something out at the doctors appointment this week..
