
【日英対訳】宇佐崎しろ氏「アクタージュ読者の皆様へ」Translation of Usazaki Shiro's statement: "To the readers of #ActAge"|2020.8.24


2020年8月24日、漫画作品『アクタージュ act-age』の原作者による女子中学生への強制わいせつ容疑での逮捕を受け、同作品の作画担当である宇佐崎しろ氏が発した声明は、性暴力の被害者に寄り添う表明を行い、作品の連載や単行本化、将来の企画や商品展開も含めすべて停止するというジャンプ編集部の決定を全面的に受け入れるという思慮深いものでした。

On 24 August 2020, Ms. Usazaki Shiro, the illustrator of the manga work "ACTAGE act-age" of which its writer was arrested under the suspicion of committing the crime of Forcible Indecency (generally known as a form of sexual assault) against a middle-school girl, issued a thoughtful statement. In this statement, Ms. Usazaki expressed her empathy and understanding to the victim of the sexual assault, and also "accepted in its entirety" the decisions taken by the Jump Editorial office with respect to the termination of serial publication of the work as well as their future plans, including publishing of the comics and any associated merchandising.


I was particularly impressed in the way Ms. Usazaki asked fans NOT to add any more pressure on the survivor (victim of any form of sexual assault who survived the attack), and especially the manner she stated in strong terms the survivor was NOT WRONG "in raising her voice and refusing to remain silent despite the trauma and pain she had been subject to by the sexual assault and sexual offenses she had to endure," and that "It is the result of her doing the right thing for the right cause."

Any survivor would have felt saved by these words.


To show my respect to this thoughtful statement I have quickly made a translation of it. I was not asked by Ms. Usazaki nor did I seek approval from her in advance for doing this translation. However, I took extra care in the use of certain terms and expressions in order not to cause any more harm to the survivor since this IS a case of sexual violence which needs to be discreet.


The following is a cleaned version of my full translation.

日英対訳(Full Translation [Japanese/English])

「先日8月8日、私宇佐崎しろが作画を担当する漫画作品『アクタージュ act-age』の原作担当であるマツキタツヤ氏が、女子中学生への猥褻行為、性犯罪の容疑で逮捕・勾留されました。」

"On August 8, Mr. Matsuki Tatsuya, the writer of manga work "ACTAGE act-age" in which I, Usazaki Shiro, take part as illustrator, was arrested and detained on the charge of sexual indecency, a sexual offense against a middle-school girl."


"I would first like to offer my sincere sympathies to the survivor and her family. It must have taken enormous courage for her to raise her voice , amid great shock and horror, without letting go of her anger for being dishonored. "


"There has been no legal judgment made as of yet, but I believe the fact that the survivor came forward to make the case and that this led to the procedure of arrest and detainment must be taken seriously."


"I have accepted in its entirety the decisions taken by the Jump Editorial office with respect to the termination of serial publication of "act-age" as well as their future plans, publishing of the comics, and associated merchandising schemes."


"The wounds caused by sexual offenses are not something that can be naturally healed. The survivor would feel petrified just by seeing a figure with similar features passes by, or she would walk faster, or be fearful of walking out in the evenings, and would be exposed to traumatic feelings and fear that she would not have had to experience in her lifetime . 


With due consideration of the possibility that just by seeing the work of "act-age" may trigger these emotions to cause pain and trauma, I have decided that terminating the serial publication is the right course of action."


"Furthermore, I humbly ask our fans who love our work to do the following. Thank you all for your continued support for our work "act-age". I also find it very unfortunate that we have to end our journey when we are only half way there. "


"However, we absolutely must avoid putting pressure on the victim with your outcries in support of our work."


"This should be obvious to all, but the termination of the work is not happening because of the victim. The survivor was not wrong in raising her voice and refusing to remain silent despite the trauma and pain she had been subject to by the sexual assault and sexual offenses she had to endure. It is the result of her doing the right thing for the right cause. Her act of courage must not be trivialized, looked down upon, or shamed through  words to cause any more harm."


"I fully understand the feelings of the fans who felt saved by manga and who have survived their day-to-day through our work. I myself have been surviving because of manga. I have overwhelming feelings about this. But you must not project your love for manga in the wrong direction in the form of violence. Please think carefully, with broad thoughts and perspectives in mind, and not be misled into believing groundless information when choosing between what should be said and what should not be said."


"As a final note, I sincerely hope the survivor would receive the appropriate care and that she may live in peace for the rest of her life without ever experiencing the same trauma that she has endured."


August 24, 2020
Usazaki Shiro
