小説:ロマンシングサガ ミンストレルソング 第3話 (アイシャ)ナイトハルトとの出会い~エスタミルで拉致される










「私はアイシャ。あ、あなたは、カヤキス レビタ!」



















「その時は、カヤキス レビタの呼び名にふさわしい行動をとるかもしれない」














(Previous synopsis)
Claudia, who was raised by a witch to be a forest guard, rescues Jean, a member of the Imperial Guard. She was told by Jean that he wanted her to come to the capital Melville, so she decided to go to Melville. Barbara, a dancer entrusted with a mysterious jewel, becomes famous by solving a kidnapping case on the frontier, and goes to Tarmitta in Gujarat in order to expand her career to other places. There, he receives a request from a young man named Jamil to search for his girlfriend's childhood friend, Farah, who is missing. It seems that Uhanji, the lord of Gujarat, is gathering young women to form a harem.

We go back in time a few weeks to when Barbara and the others were searching for Uhanji's secrets. In the northern part of the continent, there is a grassland called Garesa Steppe, and Aisha, a nomadic Talal girl who lives here, was exploring the Garesa Steppe today as well.

Then, suddenly she is attacked by a monster.

"This monster is strong...I...I wonder if I'll die..."

At that time, a mysterious warrior wearing black armor and armor appeared and defeated the monster. Aisha had lost her mind.

Neidhardt applied her medicine to Aisha's wound and waited for her to wake up.

"Uh... what happened to me?"

"You seem to understand Rosalia standard language. What's your name?"

"I'm Aisha. Oh, you're Kayakis Levita!"

"Hey, do you know me? My name is Carl August Neidhard. I'm the prince of Rosalia. I think Kayakis is a better place for you. I'm heading back to Crystal Palace, the capital of the kingdom. But what will you do?”

“Take me too!”

"Okay, then ride my horse."

Aisha couldn't resist her natural curiosity and adventurous spirit, so she decided to follow Neidhardt.

"But...I wonder why the prince came to a grassy field like this all by himself...well, I guess."

When she arrived at Crystal City, she found it a shining metropolis. It is a city located near a lake called Crystal Lake, and is called Crystal City because of its beauty.

Upon entering the Royal Palace of Rosalia, Neidhard gave various instructions to the female servant.

"You must be tired, so please put this onago in the hot water."

"What, are you going to take a bath?! I usually take a bath."

"It feels good to soak in the hot water. Now, I'm going to report to Father."

Apparently, Neidhardt had come alone to investigate Garetha Step. Although Neidhardt is a prince, he is also famous as a warrior, and it seems that he wanted to inspect the site himself rather than leave the investigation to his subordinates.

Neidhard spoke to Aisha, who had gotten out of the bath and changed her clothes.

"Do you know the chief of the Talal tribe? I'm going to go to Garesa Steppe again, so could you show me around?"

“Chief, this is my grandfather.”

"Huh, your grandfather? If that's the case, then that's quick."

Accompanied by Neidhard, Aisha returned to the Talal village in the Garesa Steppe. Neidhardt began the conversation directly.

"We want to expand the kingdom's territory. We want this Garesa Steppe to be part of the kingdom's territory as well. We want the Talal tribe to come under our control as well."

"This is so sudden...what will happen if I refuse?"

"Then Kayakis may act worthy of the name Levita."

"...Okay. We will be under your country. In return, please protect us from monsters."

"Of course. It is the duty of the state to protect its citizens."

Once the negotiations were over, Neidhardt returned to Crystal City.

“Aisha, did you go to Crystal City? What kind of place was it?”

“It was a great city and it was fun!”

"I see...because you like adventure. You should go on a journey."

Aisha decided to go on a journey. She rode her horse further and further south.

"Crystal City was a great city...Estamil is said to be an even bigger city, but what kind of city is it?"

Aisha heads to Estamir, which is said to be the world's largest city.

When she arrived in town and was looking for her inn, she was suddenly surrounded by several men and taken away.

"What are you doing! Hey!"

"I'm sure Uhanji-sama will be happy with this girl... hahaha."

“Who is Uhanji?”
