
Automatic Post to Multiple SNSs[46]

NYAUW projects try to solve my own sighs as a medical doctor and as a director of a small eye clinic. 

Sigh on Google My Business

We, not only as medical doctors but also as individuals, use Google for everyday search. I check and utilize the information of the Google search results, such as loacation, opening hours and reviews.
However, we focus  too much on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to deliver information to patients. But as we do , patients also use Google results.

Do you want to enrich Google My Business contents?

Of couse, Yes, but how ?
You can upload the same picture. You can copy and paste the sentences in SNSs. But you havent done  that so far. Why?
This is because Theoretically Possible, but Practically Impossible

Is there anyway to be able to do that practically

Yes,I know the solution and you can read this 



For about a year, I published 52 kindle books in Japanese (as of 26th Nov 2022). [46] sells second best (Best of best is  [38] [39])

Doctors all over the world have similar problems, I believe

I believe that doctors all over the world are giving a deep sigh as I do. Therefore, I tried to publish English-translated versions for medical doctors who cannot understand Japanese. When we witness a positive outcome of this trial, we will continue to publish other translated series.

よろしければサポートお願いします。 NYAUWの活動は現在マネタイズを考えずに意義のみを追求するフェーズです。 ニッチな分野のやせ我慢プロジェクトですので お気持ちだけでも嬉しいです。