WHO IS 共産主義

今、WHO を使って世界を共産化しようとしている。

共産とは、戦争屋・強盗・盗賊・詐欺・殺戮集団、グローバリズム・テロ、NewWorld Order 新世界支配(グローバル略奪)、グレートリセット、ビルドバックベター、欺瞞。


アントニー・サットン勇気ある調査によって、アメリカの資本家とロシアの共産主義者との間に歴史的なつながりがあることを明らかにした。国務省のファイル、ウォール街の主要人物の個人文書、伝記、従来の歴史をもとに、サットンは次のことを明らかにする: ボリシェヴィキの違法な金塊を米国に流したモルガン銀行幹部の役割、ウォール街の強力な勢力による米国赤十字の共謀、ロシア政府転覆を目的としたマルクス主義革命家レオン・トロツキーを解放するためのウォール街筋の介入、米国がソビエト政権を承認する10年半前に巨大なロシア市場を獲得するために大企業が行った取引公には自由企業を擁護する一流ビジネスマンによる共産主義の秘密後援




GrandJury Summary 大陪審   https://stopworldcontrol.com/jury/

Why did the 1917 American Red Cross Mission to Russia include more financiers than medical doctors? Rather than caring for the victims of war and revolution, its members seemed more intent on negotiating contracts with the Kerensky government, and subsequently the Bolshevik regime.

In a courageous investigation, Antony Sutton establishes tangible historical links between US capitalists and Russian communists. Drawing on State Department files, personal papers of key Wall Street figures, biographies and conventional histories, Sutton reveals: The role of Morgan banking executives in funnelling illegal Bolshevik gold into the US; the co-option of the American Red Cross by powerful Wall Street forces; the intervention by Wall Street sources to free the Marxist revolutionary Leon Trotsky, whose aim was to topple the Russian government; the deals made by major corporations to capture the huge Russian market a decade and a half before the US recognized the Soviet regime; the secret sponsoring of Communism by leading businessmen, who publicly championed free enterprise.

Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution traces the foundations of Western funding of the Soviet Union. Dispassionately, and with overwhelming documentation, the author details a crucial phase in the establishment of Communist Russia.

This classic study - first published in 1974 and part of a key trilogy - is reproduced here in its original form. (The other volumes in the series include Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler and a study of Franklin D. Roosevelt's 1933 Presidential election in the United States.)
