
原子爆弾投下予定「ハル将軍とシーマン大佐の電話会話記録(原文)」1945年8月13日(極秘)(2020年8月4日 機密解除)


電話会話記録、ハル将軍とシーマン大佐 [原文] – 1325 – 1945 年 8 月 13 日、極秘(2020年8月4日 機密解除)

ジョージワシントン大学    国家安全保障アーカイブ
National Security Archive 
The George Washington University 

元資料:Telephone conversation transcript, General Hull and Colonel Seaman [sic] – 1325 – 13 Aug 45, Top Secret






General Hull and Colonel Seaman - 1325 - 13  Aug 1945

H. What Genera! Marshall wants to know is the status of the development of these bombs now so we can best deteraine how to use them. There's one of them due up the 23d as I recall it.


S. There's one ready to be shipped - waiting on order right now.
The question arises as to whether to start in the movement of them out there according to the old schedule or whether they should be shipping in accordance with our next operation. Two of them have had a tremendous effect on the Japanese as far as capitulation is concerned. The next one won't be effective in that respect. In other words, the Japs will or will not. General Marshall feels we shoul consider now whether or not dropping them as originally planned, or these we have now should be held back for use in direct support of major operations but their dropping should be in conformity with their priority. That's the idea. That we want to know is what the program is now so we can report on it.

問題は、旧スケジュールに従って輸送を開始するのか、それとも次回の作戦に合わせて輸送するのかということだ。2回の作戦は、降伏に関する限り、日本軍に多大な効果をもたらした。次の作戦はその点では効果的ではない。つまり、ジャップが降伏するかどうか。 マーシャル将軍は、当初の計画通りに投下するかどうか、あるいは今あるものを主要作戦の直接支援に使用するために保留しておくか、しかし投下はその優先順位に従って行うべきであると考えている。それが我々の考えだ。我々が知りたいのは、現在のプログラムがどうなっているかということだ。

S.  The whole program is phased according to the best production. There is one of them that is ready to he shipped right now. The order was given Thursday and it should be ready the 19th.


H.  If the order is given now, when can it be ready? 


S.   Thursday would be its readiners; the 19th it would be dropped.


H. In other words, three or four day advance notice before it can be shipped, and six days after that when it can be dropped.


S. That's figuring it so it will be safe. Then there will be another one the first part of September. Then there are three definite. There is a possibility of a fourth one in September, either the middle or the latter part.


H.  Now, how many in October? 


S. Probably three in October.


H. That's three definite, possibly four by the end of September; possibly three more by the end of October; making a total possibility of seven. That is the Information I want.


S. So you can figure on three a month with a possibility of a fourth one. If you get the fourth one, you won't get it next month. That is up to November.


H. The last one, which is a possibility for the end of October, could you count on that for use before the end of October?


S. You have a possibility of seven, with a good chance of using thes prior to the 31st of October.


H. They come out approximately at the rate of three a month. 


S.  We are still in the midst of development - you will appreciate that. The possibility will have to be considered that there might be a dud.  Going through the development, we are changing amounts and proportions of the active material so that certain ones say or will have lesser power. They may be more nearly equivalent to the one at Hiroshima than the one at Nagasaki. 




H. Tell me this - are they all coming of the same pipeline or de you have two establishments?


S  No, sir. It is out of the same pipeline.


H.  In other words, they will be spaced fairly evenly then; about one every ten days. 


S.  The biggest gap will be between the one now and the one for the first part of September.  After that, I would say approximately one every ten days. 

シ)最も大きな開きがあるのは、現在のものと9月前半のものだ。 それ以降は、およそ10日に1発のペースになるだろう。

H. That will continue even after the first of November, we will say.


S. Every ten days.


H That gives me the information I want.


S. Except in September, we can only count on three in September, counting the one now.  Don't figure the rate of three a month, until starting with October. One now, one definitely the first part of September, one the middle of September and possibly the latter part of September. Three from now until the end of September, and three a month thereafter.


H.  That gives me the information I want.  Now, on each one of them, whatever the plan may be of decision, we can figure how long from the time it is produced until the time it is out three ready for use. 

ハ)それを知りたかった。 さて、そのひとつひとつについて、どのような計画で決定されるにせよ、生産されてから3つの使用準備が整うまでの期間を計算することができる。

S.  From the time of its readiness here, I think we have been using six days. We have allowed for weather on route, possible change in air crew.


H.  That is the information I wanted. The problem now is whether or not, assuming the Japanese do not capitulate, continue on dropping then every time one is made and shipped out there or whether to hold them up as far as the dropping is concerned and then pour them all on in a reasonably short time. Not all in one day, but over a short period. And that also takes into consideration the target that we are after. In other words should we not concentrate on targets that will be of the greatest assistance to an invasion rather than industry, morale, psychology, etc.


S. Nearer the tactical use rather than other use.

シ) 他の用途よりも戦術的な用途に近い。

H. That is what it amounts to. What is your own personal reaction to that?

ハ)そういうことだ。 あなた自身の個人的な反応はどうですか?

S. I have studied that a great deal. Our own troops would have to be about six miles away. I am not sure that the Air Forces could place it within 500 feet of the point we want. Of course, it is not that "pinpoint". Then the stage of development has to be consitered. The work it is liable to be used for the more or less has to be to exprosive effect. It would be just a gamble on putting or sendir those troops through.

シ) それについては自分も検討を重ねました。 我々の部は、 約6マイル (約10km) 離れていなければならないで しょう。 我々の望む地点から500フィート (約150m) 以内に空軍機を飛行させることができるかどうかはわか りません。もちろん、そこまで 「ピンポイント」ではありませんが。 それから、開発の段階も考慮しなければ なりません。 原爆投下が絡む任務はどうしても危険が伴います。 部隊が(上陸を) 遂行できるかは賭けでしょ う。

H.  Not the same day or any thing like that. We might do it a couple or three days before. You plan to land on a certain beach. Behind which you know there is n rood road communication and maybe division or two of Japanese troops. Nautralization of that at now time from H-Hour of the landing back earlier, day or two or three.  I do it  unticipate shot you would be dropping it as we do other type bombs that are in support of the infantry. I am thinking about neutralizing a division or a communication center or something so that it would so that it would facilitate the movement share of troops. 

ハ)同じ日にということではない。 2、3日あけてならやれるかもしれない。 どこかの浜に上陸する作戦だとする。 その先は交通の便がよくて、 日本軍の1、2個師団がいるかもしれない。上陸のH-Hour (攻撃開始時刻)〉 の1日、 2日、3日前にそれらを無力化する。 歩兵部隊を支援する爆弾を使うようなやり方で、 原爆を使用することは考 えていない。上陸作戦をスムーズにするために、 事前に日本軍の師団や通信所などを無力化することを考えて いる。

S   That, is the preferible use at this time from that standpoint. The weapon we is not a penetration wenpon. The workmanship is not as good as possible. It is much better than average workmanship. Tey are still developing it though.

S : 現時点ではそれが望ましいと思います。 我々の持っているこの兵器は、 突撃用ではありません。 出来栄えも、 改良の余地があります。 標準以上ではありますが、まだ開発途中です。

H.  From this on more or less of the timing factor, how much time before the troops actually go into that area do you think would be the safety factor? Suppose you did get a dud or an incomplete explosion, what safety factor should you consider, one, two, three days?

ここからは、タイミング的な要素だが、実際に部隊がその地域に入るまでにどれくらいの時間があれば、安全性が 確保できると考えるか? 仮に不発弾や不完全な爆発であったとしたら、1日、2日、3日と、 どう安全性を考慮す べきか?

S.  I think we are sending some people over to actually measure that factor. I think certainly by within 48 hours that could be done. Everything is going so fast. We would like to train people and get them in a combat spirit to do that. I think the people we have are the best qualified in that line. Of course, as you say, if it is used back in a kind of reserve iine or in a reserve position or n concentration ares but that you wouldn't be up against right away.

安全性を測定するための要員を派遣しようと思います。 48時間以内には遂行できると思っています。 すべてが とても迅速に進むでしょう。そのために人員を訓練し戦闘意欲を持たせたいと考えています。 今いる人員は その方面で最高の資質を持っています。 もちろん、 予備ラインや予備ポジションでも、戦線でも使えますが、 (訓練は必要で〉 すぐというわけにはいきません。

朝8時に上陸、6時に原爆投下ということではない。 前日だ。爆発し損ねるとかに関係なく、戦術的な観点からだ。 

S. xxxx  Another thing you may be likely to consider is that while you are landing you might not want to use it as it could be a dud. It is not something that you fool around with.

もうひとつ、 上陸作戦には不発弾の可能性があるので使いたくないということも考えられるかもしれません。 よく検討して使うべきです。

IH.  would appreciate if you would discuss that angle with General Groves. I would like to have his slant on it. That is the question, how do we employ it and when do we employ it next? It has certainly served its purpose, those two we have used. I don't think it could have been more useful than it has. If we had another one, today would he good day to drop it. We don't have it ready. Anyhow within the next ten days the Japanese will make up their minds one way or the other so the psycholorical effect is lost so far as the next one is concerned in my opinion, pertnining to capitulation. Should we not lay off a while, and then group them one, two, three? I should like to get his slant on the thing, General Groves slant.

H グローブス将軍とその角度から議論してもらえるとありがたい。 彼の見解がききたい。 我々がそれをどう使い いつ使うかという問題だ。 我々が使用した2発の原爆は、確かにその目的を果たしている。これほど役に立つも のはない。もしもう1発既にあるなら今日投下するのが良かったが、まだ用意できていない。いずれにせよ、今 後10日以内に日本人はどちらかの意思を固めるだろうから、(今後の投下は) 降伏に関する心理的効果は ないと私は考えている。 しばらく間隔をあけ、 1人、2人、3人とグループ分けをして投下したほうがいいのではないか。 グローブス将軍の見解を聞きたい。



(2023.10.20 追補:林千勝氏の訳を一部引用しています。)




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