
human health

My genes are like a sports car, such as a Ferrari.
If I neglect maintenance, it won't run.
But it can go very fast.
How I operate the genes I have is important.
I am using the analogy of a sports car to represent my genetic potential. A sports car is high-performance and can reach very high speeds. However, proper maintenance is essential. If I neglect maintenance, it will not be able to perform at its full capability.

Similarly, even if a person has excellent genetic attributes, appropriate "maintenance" in the form of healthy lifestyle habits and training is crucial to fully realize that potential. Neglecting this will prevent them from expressing their innate abilities.

The key point is "How you operate the genes you have." In other words, the important question is how to maximize the genetic qualities you were born with. Finding the optimal approach through diet, exercise, sleep patterns, and other factors is vital.

In essence, it's an apt analogy - like a sports car, you have the speed (genetic potential), but appropriate "maintenance" is necessary to fully unleash that potential. Wise management is required to maximize one's genetic possibilities.

I am using the example of forcing the latest iOS onto an iPhone 3G, which would cause compatibility issues, errors, and potentially damage the device.

In other words, human genes are the old version (iPhone 3G), but forcibly introducing the latest foods and nutrients (updating to the latest iOS) into the body may cause diseases or problems like cancer, depression and diabetes because the genes are incompatible.

If the human body and the latest foods are incompatible, there is a risk of malfunctions at the genetic level, which can be detrimental to health.

I made the important point that the evolution of food is outpacing human genetic evolution. Losing the balance between the two can potentially lead to serious consequences.

Water is a crucial element in ramen.
It greatly influences the taste of the soup and the texture of the noodles.

The water from mountains like Hakusan is rich in minerals and has a deep flavor, making it suitable for ramen.
With a little purification treatment, you can ensure safety while taking advantage of nature's blessings.

On the other hand, while tap water in urban areas is safe in terms of hygiene, it can sometimes be over-purified.
Chemical treatments can cause the water to lose its original taste and flavor.

Not just for ramen, I believe it's ideal to use natural water for cooking.
However, it's essential to ensure safety.
When using natural water, always conduct a water quality test to check if it's suitable for drinking.

Also, it's said that water with high hardness enhances the firmness of the noodles.
On the other hand, soft water can make the soup taste clear and pure.
Using different types of water according to the characteristics of the dish is another approach.

In any case, using safe and delicious water is the first step in making tasty ramen.
We should cherish nature's blessings while continuing to devise new ideas.


