
電子メールがスパムボックスに入る12の理由(そして入らないことを確認する方法)―後半 12 Reasons Why Your Emails Go in the Spam Box (and How to Make Sure They Don’t)

7. Your Subject Line is Misleading


As the CAN-SPAM act states, it’s against the law to intentionally mislead someone with your subject line to induce them to view the message.


In a survey conducted by Litmus and Fluent, over 50% of participants stated that they’ve felt cheated, tricked, or deceived into opening a promotional email by a false subject line:

Litmus and Fluentが実施した調査では、調査参加者の50%以上が、虚偽の件名のメールによって騙された事がある、または騙されたと感じたと、述べています。

Here are some examples of misleading subject lines:

• Did I leave my jacket at your place? This type of subject line can be used as a trick to make it look like they know you.

• RE: CURRENTLY IN OFFICE is doubly sneaky because it can be mistaken for a reply to your email or a work-related email.

• Urgent – Update your information. If something says “urgent,” it had better be urgent.

• Thanks for your order! It’s super poor form to use a transactional subject line if the email isn’t actually transactional.


We know what you’re thinking. “Why would anybody do something like this? These are some super shady tricks.”


You’re so right. But there are also some gray areas you should avoid, too. Here’s one that recently came to our attention by Russel Brunson:

そうです。あなたはとても正しいです。 さらに、避けるべきグレーな領域もいくつかあります。 RusselBrunsonによって最近注目したものをご紹介させて頂きます。

Now, don’t get us wrong. We’re big fans of Russel and the work he does with ClickFunnels. But this subject line seems conveniently misleading.
誤解しないでください。 我々はClickFunnelsの大ファンです。

It says, bad news… I messed up 🙁 and does a fantastic job building curiosity. The problem?
It’s clearly a sales tactic to create a sense of urgency. The idea is that there’s a big sale that you didn’t hear about because Russell “messed up.”


The reader is left feeling like they got a better deal from the error, and the subject enticed them to open the message.


This is a grey area tactic you should avoid. Instead, find a better way of creating strong subject lines that aren’t misleading and are 100% honest. Remember, Russel can afford to take that risk. He’s got millions of dollars in savings and a thriving company that could take a hit.


If you don’t have the same amount of security, playing with email subject lines simply isn’t worth the risk.


8. Your “From” Information Is Inaccurate


It’s also against the CAN-SPAM ACT to mislead anyone with your “from,” “to,” “reply-to,” and routing information.
また「差出人」、「宛先」、「返信先」、および情報を送ることで送信元、送信先を誤解させることもCAN-SPAM ACTにおける違反行為だといえます。

For example, if you made your email look like it’s from the President, that would be illegal. It’s an extreme example, but you get the point.


Here’s a real-life example from a popular scam during the COVID-19 pandemic:


This email is falsely credited to the UK government. Shady practices like this are illegal and should be avoided at all costs.

As a best practice, make sure you include a name in the “from” field that your subscribers are likely to remember, and don’t change it too often. It could be the name of an individual, your company name, or a combination of the two.


9. You Don’t Include Your Physical Address


You legally must include your physical address. That can be your current street address, a post office box that has been registered with the U.S. Postal Service, or a private mailbox registered with a commercial mail receiving agency established under Postal Service regulations.


This is usually just above your Unsubscribe button at the bottom of your email campaign:
これは通常、メールキャンペーンの下部にある[登録解除 ]ボタンのすぐ上に記載されます 。

You definitely need to add your own address, too. And if you don’t have one because you work from home?You should definitely get a PO box for business purposes, so you don’t have to broadcast your home address.


10. You’re Not Learning From Your Mistakes


We already touched on the importance of adding an Unsubscribe button. But it’s such an essential concept that we need to dive deeper into why it’s crucial.


No matter how valuable you think your email campaigns are, you still need to give your subscribers a way out. If you don’t, you could get spam complaints at best, or slapped with thousands of dollars in fines at worst.



11. You’re Using Spam Trigger Words


Some spam filters are triggered by specific words in the subject line or the body of the email. Some spam trigger words are:


• Amazing        すごい
• Cancel at any time      いつでもキャンセル
• Check or money order  いつでもキャンセル
• Click here         いつでもキャンセル
• Congratulations       おめでとう
• Dear friend         親愛なる友人
• For only ($)         $のみ
• Free or toll-free      いつでもキャンセル
• Great offer                      いつでもキャンセル
• Guarantee                       保証
• Increase sales                  いつでもキャンセル
• Order now                      今すぐ注文
• Promise you                   いつでもキャンセル
• Risk-free                          リスクなし
• Special promotion           いつでもキャンセル 
• This is not spam              これはスパムではありません
• Winner                            勝者

Your email provider may have a built-in tool that checks your emails for spam trigger words before sending it.

Keep in mind that the above trigger words are common examples. They may not be specific to your email service provider, however.


So be sure to contact your provider directly to see if certain words trigger spam flags. Make a list of words to avoid in your subject line as your crafting your email copy.


12. Your HTML Emails Don’t Follow Best Practices


If you’re sending text-only emails, you don’t have to worry about this. Text-only emails are the kinds that you typically send to friends and family.



However, you may want to send HTML emails from your business. That way, you can include some branding elements that make your emails more memorable and helps with engagement.

You can include your brand name at the top:


As well as a compelling call to action button at the bottom:

We’ve actually tested plain text versus branded emails with our email list and found that the branded emails actually get higher engagement.


So it’s definitely a good thing to try with your own list.


However, you need to follow some best practices for sending HTML emails, so they don’t get marked as spam:


• Use a maximum width of 600-800 pixels
• Keep your HTML code as clean and straightforward as possible
• Keep your image-to-text ratio low
• Optimize your images
• Don’t use obscure fonts
• Optimize for mobile

To give you an example, here is one of the branded, HTML emails that our subscribers love:


See how simple it is? We include our logo at the top for brand recognition, but most of the email is text.


We also use a simple visual cue, the gray box at the bottom, to highlight the “You are receiving this email because…” area.


This makes the email scannable and reminds subscribers about the benefits of being on our email list.


Alright, so all of this information has been awesome. And now you know why your emails are going directly to spam instead of to your subscribers’ inbox like they should.


But let’s turn our attention to 7 ways you can be proactive and make sure you’re getting higher engagement rates.



