
Review4: 8 Secrets of Success






今回はRichard St. Johnという方のスピーチを観てレビューを書きました。

Richard St. Johnが何をした方なのかはあまり分かりませんが、スピーチの題名が「8 Secrets of Success」なので、何かを成功させた方だということは分かります。


I watched a speech called “Secrets of Success” by Richard St. John. His 8 secrets of success is “Passion, Work, Good, Focus, Push, Serve, Ideas and Persist”. He talked this speech in three minutes. I’m going to talk about “Word, Push, Ideas”.

I chose “Work” for my first secret of success from the speech. He says that the TEDsters have fun working. Evidence which shows this is “TEDsters do have fun working. And they work hard. I figured, they're not workaholics. They're workafrolics.” I think that having fun working is a good thing.

I chose “Push” for my second secret of success from the speech. He said that we have to push through shyness and self-doubt. Evidence which show this is “You've got to push through shyness and self-doubt.” I think pushing through shyness and self-doubt is a hard thing, but I have to try.

I chose “Ideas” for my third secret of success from the speech. He said that I have to do simple things to be successful. The evidence is “And there's no magic to creativity in coming up with ideas -- it's just doing some very simple things.” I also think having a good idea leads us to success.

As a conclusion, his 8 secrets of success is very important to be a successful person. Of course, I want to be a successful person, so I think I have to try the 8 secrets of success chosen by Richard.





太郎です。15歳です。 ニュージーランドに住んでいます。 100円でも良いので投げ銭お願いします!