
Takram Life #3 Ray Masaki

Takramでは現在、WFH(Work From Home)をメインに働いています。Takramメンバーがどのように自身の働き方や暮らしをデザインしているのかをのぞいてみましょう。

At Takram, we are currently primarily working from home. In this series, we take a look at how Takram's members are designing their life and work style.


Ray Masaki
Ray Masaki studied illustration at Parsons School of Design, and type design at The Cooper Union. In 2017, he moved from New York to Tokyo and worked for Rikako Nagashima before joining Takram in 2019 where he currently works as a graphic designer on various branding projects.

How do you design your working style?


I have extra time that I used to spend on my commute, so I’ll now take more time in the morning for reading and other activities. However, since I used to ride my bike to work, after the pandemic began and I changed my work style to mainly WFH, I’ve noticed that I’m not getting enough exercise. I have started to develop stiff shoulders and other back pains, so I have been consciously trying to exercise more and take more walks outside. It depends on my schedule, but when I can, I go for a longer walk to a neighborhood cafe to get coffee, and I have also recently started bouldering as a hobby.


What is your particular work space?


If I’m being honest, I don't feel like I have as much of a developed WFH setup compared to many of my coworkers. I personally don’t really like mixing my work and private life, so I’ve had a bit of trouble getting adjusted. It’s easy to lose track of time, so I need to have some sort of physical change to switch modes. Personally, commuting to and from the office was that switch for me, so once the covid situation improves, I’m hoping to return.

自宅の環境整備にお金をかけていないので、「Life Design」の制度は自己学習のサポートとして活用していることが多いですね。僕の場合は、日本語学習やデザインのワークショップの参加などに利用しています。

Since I haven’t spent a lot of money on improving my home office setup, I tend to use the “Life Design” system to support my self-education. In my case, I have used it to supplement my Japanese studies and to attend design workshops. Although I’ve lived in Japan since 2017, most of my friends here are English-speaking, so I don’t actually speak that much Japanese outside of work. I would like to continue my language studies so that I can better communicate my ideas with others as well as with Japanese clients.


▲ タイポグラファー/グラフィックデザイナー Nicole Schmidさんのワークショップに参加

What is a book you would recommend?

Takramでは、メンバーの学びを全面的にバックアップするために「Book Purchase」という制度があり、自由に書籍を購入することができます。他のメンバーがどんな本を買っているのかをSlackチャンネルで全員が見ることができ、その時の興味関心を垣間見ることができます。

At Takram, we have a "Book Purchase" system to fully support the learning of our members, allowing them to freely purchase books at their own expense. All members can see what books other members are buying on our Slack channel and get a glimpse of their interests at the time.

最近読んだLeanne ShaptonさんのSwimming Studiesという本がおすすめです。本の内容はLeanneの水泳選手時代のトレーニングや引退後の水泳の楽しみ方など、彼女の水泳を通じた回想録なのですが、読んでいると不思議と穏やかな気持ちになり、僕にとってメディテーションのような心を落ち着かせてくれる本でした。

I recently read a book called Swimming Studies by Leanne Shapton, which I recommend. The book is a memoir about Leanne’s training as a swimmer and the ways in which she enjoys swimming after her retirement. I personally found it to be a very calming and meditative book.

What do you like about Takram?


I enjoy the diversity of thinking in the employees here. For example, I’ll often talk to Taro Yumiba, who is also a graphic designer, but we talk a lot about broad cultural and philosophical ideas. Sho Tanaka, an industrial designer, is also incredibly knowledgeable on a variety of topics. He’s otaku-like in a good way, so I really enjoy talking to and learning from him.

What interests you now?

4月からVCFA MFA in Graphic Designという大学院に通っています。デザインの表面だけでなく、コンセプチュアルなところから考えることに興味があり、より学びを深めたいと考えています。また時間がある時はガンプラを作ったり、K-POPのTWICEの音楽や動画を視聴したりしています。TWICEの楽曲はもちろんですが、人間味のあるメンバーが魅力的で大好きですね。

I have been pursuing an MFA in graphic design at VCFA since April. My research has focused on graphic and visual design from a cultural and conceptual context. In my spare time, I also enjoy building Gunpla (Gundam plastic models) and watching videos from the K-pop group, TWICE. I love TWICE not just for their music, but also their personalities.






