
Takram Life #2 Kotaro Yamaguchi

Takramでは現在、WFH(Work From Home)をメインに働いています。Takramメンバーがどのように自身の働き方や暮らしをデザインしているのかをのぞいてみましょう。

We are mainly working from home.Let’s take a look at how Takram’s members design their life and working style.



He majored in design at Tokyo University of the Arts. After gaining a wide range of experience as a designer in visual design, including graphic design, signage design, video design, and UI design, he joined Takram in 2014. He also received numerous awards in the design and video production fields.

How do you design your working style?


I decided to start living in the countryside when the Pandemic started. It was really the biggest change in my life so far. I moved to Yamanashi Prefecture with my family last year. I used to work until midnight and often slept until the last minute in the morning, but now I wake up at 6am every morning. I enjoy fishing and preparing the land where my house will be built.I feel that this solitude is very meaningful. Since I am up early in the morning, I usually finish my work by 6pm, spend time with my family, do the rest of the work in the evening, and go to bed by 11pm.


What is your particular work space?


bought all the lighting for color proofing and paper swatches at home. I use the same lighting as other graphic designers at Takram, who often work on the same projects, so that we can work well as a team even remotely. I also recommend MOFT stands, and I think many members at Takram use them as well. Actually, my house is still under construction and is a temporary residence. In the future, we plan to build a cabin near the main house as a work space.

What is a book you would recommend?

Takramでは、メンバーの学びを全面的にバックアップするために「Book Purchase」という制度があり、自由に書籍を購入することができます。他のメンバーがどんな本を買っているのかをSlackチャンネルで全員が見ることができ、その時の興味関心を垣間見ることができます。

At Takram, we have a "Book Purchase" system to fully support the learning of our members, allowing them to freely purchase books at their own expense. All members can see what books other members are buying on our Slack channel and get a glimpse of their interests at the time.


I bought all the volumes of the comic "Kingdom" to use as a reference for leadership.  I'm not much of a reader myself, but I use "Book Purchase" to buy color swatches that are directly useful for my work, design guidelines that have been published in book form, and even manga that can give me some hints for my life, such as Kingdom.


What do you like about Takram?


I like that Takram has a kind of neoteny. Sometimes an unconventional approach can be seen as immature, but I think that innovative things are born from the margins that are not too complete. I think the strength of such immaturity is, in a way, the strength of Takram.


Neoteny is a phenomenon in animals in which an individual is sexually fully mature but retains immature, or larval or juvenile, characteristics in the non-reproductive organs.


What interests you now?

どの芝を植えようかとか、どうしたら自然な形で、住環境における自然のエントロピー(乱雑さ・混沌さ)を下げられるかみたいなことを一生懸命考えています。笑 これは実はデザインと共通する部分も多くあって、ロゴやタイプフェイス、カラーパレットなどを揃えていくと、「いいな!」となる瞬間があるんですが、それと同じような感覚で楽しんで準備をしています。

Recently, I have been interested in matters related to the management of the land on which I plan to build my house. I'm thinking hard about what kind of grass to plant, and how to reduce the entropy (clutter and chaos) of nature in our living environment in a natural way.  This actually has a lot in common with design. When you put together a logo, typeface, color palette, etc., there is a moment when you go, "I like it! I enjoy preparing as much as I do.




それでは次回のTakram Lifeもお楽しみにー


Special Thanks : Takahiro Shimada (Takram Life Cover Illustration )
