
#3 茶道を英語で紹介してみましょう

茶道はthe Japanese tea ceremony, あるいは単純にtea ceremonyと訳されます。

We call the Japanese tea ceremony “Sado”. Sado is a Japanese traditional culture.
(日本のお茶の様式を茶道と呼びます。 茶道は日本の伝統文化です。)


The tea ceremony is regarded as a comprehensive Japanese art including such as hanging roll, a flower arrangement, interior designs, architecture styles and the garden.

Sado is the ceremony of serving and having tea.

The green tea used for sado is called matcha and it is beautiful green powder.

Usually, a host invites several guests to a small room and serves matcha.

The tea house has a small entrance. The crawling entrance(nijiri-guchi) is approximately 70 centimeters(28 in).

It is so small that you are forced to crawl through on your hands and knees with your head lowered. This custom is meant to be the feeling of humility.

Regardless of one’s level or social status in life, everyone is equal in tea. Even samurai warriors have to leave their swords outside.

Through the room is small in size, this room symbolizes the huge universe.

Japanese sweets called “ocha gashi” are served with green tea.

The spirit of the tea ceremony is wa-kei- sei-jaku. Wa means harmony, Kei means respect, Sei means purity, and jaku means tranquility.

To obtain the state of mind called wabi, we should concentrate on practicing the tea ceremony as an active meditation.

The tea ceremony also provides an occasion for a time of communication between the tea master and his or her guests.

The heart of “Omotenashi, -hospitality” thus also has its place in the tea room in Japan.

