段階的な復旧とレディネス(準備)計画 | パート6 合唱の近い将来について

※ 本記事は一連のウェビナーの全文翻訳です。サマリおよび注意事項、他の動画翻訳へのリンクはこちらをご覧ください。


(Catherine) I am delighted to have with us to help us continue this conversation about what to consider as you're looking at the operational aspects of this

we have two experts with us Tom Clareson the project director of Performing Arts readiness and Molly Quinlan Hayes of Arts ready she's the director of the Arts ready project underneath south arts based in Atlanta

Tom I'm going to have you start and I know that you have done a lot of work to talk to organizations about a phased reopening process

before jump into that I would really like you to talk a little bit about your super-secret other life which is as a board member for the Lancaster chorale ―and we really appreciate board members you're doing God's work― how are things in little Lancaster chorale and tell us what's going on in the region

Tom Clareson


(Tom) well it's interesting I'm based in the Central Ohio area and a lot of vocal and arts organizations in the area constantly talking and trying to plan what's next

I am a board member with Lancaster chorale and that group had to cancel a late April concert also my father-in-law is a member of the Lancaster Community Chorus which is a large and growing organization that has huge crowds as its performances they had to cancel a late march performance

and the thing that really concerns me the most I think was that both of those organizations in the past have performed at sort of an institution in central Ohio the Lancaster Festival which is a ten day long festival that happens in mid-july and just within the past two weeks we heard that has been canceled and it's the first time I believe in 35 years that that's been canceled

so it's a concern we're seeing all types of festivals being canceled

so one of the things that we are seeing is what can people do alternatively and what can they do to sort of plan during the time that they're down

and what I wanted to talk about briefly tonight was considering business continuity issues your organization's thinking about reopening and restarting from sort of the logistical point of view and once we get the OK from the scientists like those who are on our panel from the medical professionals what can we do to stay ready and be ready to move forward

so I wanted to talk about that but I also wanted to preface things just for a moment talking about the work that I've been doing in this area

it's part of a project called Performing Arts readiness as Katherine said. it's a project that's funded by the Andrew W mellon Foundation and we've been around since 2017 and we look to help performing arts organizations in a couple of different ways, have them know how to protect their assets, have them know how to sustain operations in the long term, and be prepared for emergencies

and one of the things for this group that I wanted to mention is there are a lot of things that you can do after this session is over we have a series of about ten and we're going to add two more free webinars on a variety of topics everything from risk assessment for your facilities groups etc pandemic planning

we had a debut to session on that last week crisis communications stress management a number of other areas and we hold these on about a monthly basis as live presentations but we also have recordings of all the presentations available so you can get to them 24/365 so that's one activity where we have experts from all over the country actually all over the world who are talking about some of these issues

and the other thing that I really want to point people to is starting with our first grant and moving into this current grant that we have been recounting to about 40 to 45 organizations each we grant grants of seventy two hundred and fifty dollars which can be used to bring in facilitators consultants others to help develop readiness plans

so we had about 41 of those that were done in our last grant and have funding for 42

our applications for those were just announced a week and a half ago and so take a look on our website which is performingartsreadiness.org and take a look at those planning grant guidelines
1週間半前に募集要項が発表されましたので、performingartsreadiness.org のウェブサイトでガイドラインを見てください。

because we've had some interest in them but we have not been flooded yet because people are looking at so many other issues with applications for them so there is a time to get applications in

and because I know how popular and how large the crowds for some of your events can be I want you to be able to make sure that your performers and artists are safe

so we talked about consideration of some of these issues but I want to go a little bit further with a couple of sort of bullet points here:

- will you consider testing ensemble members before practices
- should you develop a policy statement on the health of your performers and have them sign it that's another thing we're hearing some groups considering
- will you place any age limits upper and lower age limits on your audiences we have not talked as much about audiences but looking at that people have been saying
- should we do temperature checks on audience members when they come in
- will you require or at least suggest audience members to wear masks when attending performances
・出演者の健康に関するポリシーステートメントを作成しますか? ポリシーに署名させることを検討しているグループがあると聞いています
・オーディエンスに下限、上限の年齢制限を設けますか? 観客についてはあまり話してきませんでしたが、どういうことが言われているか見てみましょう

all of these are issues that I think should be considered and one of the things that I know I'm gonna be on a zoom board meeting tomorrow evening and these are the kind of issues that we're going to be talking about where we have board members and artist reps who will talk about this kind of thing

I know that getting back to practicing and performing is a concern and with that in mind something that's really important is to take a look at the federal and state policies and mandates

and certainly they have large venues are told they can operate under strict physical distancing protocols in phase one of the president's opening up America again policy but from what I'm hearing and from what I know many performing arts organizations are planning to wait until Phase three when the distance and protocols are more limited

these are areas and discussions that I'm having are with people from the theater world people from the concert production community for large-scale concerts and from the dance community as well

many states like mine own state of Ohio have very detailed and quite strict policies and timelines for opening so I think consulting those resources are going to be important as well

and there's one group that not many of us had on our disaster plans if we had those plans in the past and that was making friends with and creating a relationship with your Public Health Department whether it's local public health or County Public Health Department

and I would say as we want to see where these trends are going get in touch with those folks and and work with them as you're trying to do your planning and they'll be able to help you quite a bit with that

some other policies for your organizations and performers to consider if your organization doesn't have a disaster plan or a continuity of operation plans yet now is the time to develop one and Molly and I have a lot of samples that we can share and point you to it

you and your performers also should have family or personal disaster plans and there are a ton of good resources available at ready.gov. in fact way before the pandemic started we have been pointing people towards some of the the tools at ready.gov
出演者は家族や個人用の災害計画も持つべきですし、ready.gov には利用可能なリソースが大量にあります。実際、パンデミックが始まるずっと前から、私たちは ready.gov でいくつかを案内してきていました。

the other thing is that we've seen with many choral groups and choruses do you have performers who are traveling in from other cities or other states and who will do performances with you and you need to make sure are they coming from an area where it's a hot spot
また、多くのグループや合唱団で見てきましたが、他の都市や州から来て一緒に演奏してくれる人はいますか? その人たちがホットスポットとなっている地域から来ているかどうかを確認する必要があります。

and will those people who are coming from areas that might be under some level of restrictions or under different state restrictions how will you work with

them a few other policy areas additional policies one of the things that Katherine and Molly and I talked about in a preliminary call that we had was insurance issues

and I certainly am not going to say that there is a level of insurance issues that I know a ton about but I think that if you can review your insurance policy soon and talk with your insurance agents or brokers about coverage and liabilities that's going to be very important

if you don't have a lawyer or insurance person on your board of trustees yet it's a good time to get one now to help with these discussions that are coming up

you may have an insurance policy renewal coming up and what changes would you want to pursue in that

couple of other paperwork areas you could consider updating your financial plans, your performer contracts, performance and rehearsal site agreements, performance licenses, your public relations and marketing databases, and your patron database

and this ties into directly what dr. Milton was talking about now is also a good time to find out about the heating ventilation and air conditioning system in your performance area

how often are this systems cleaned, do they bring in outside air you know finding all of those things are important as well so there's some level of that building infrastructure and technology

one last thing I wanted to talk about before I pass things over to Molly I know it's difficult to replace the sound of voices together in a live choir or chorus setting

but if we're looking at as we've heard from the doctors additional months or what some experts say might be in other 1 to 2 years of working with it in the sort of pandemic and social distancing environment we need to consider how to keep our skills sharp, how to plan for virtual activities, and also ramp up for our reopening

so I think the idea of having performers practice by themselves the same amounts as they would normally practice is important

one thing that I've seen is it's been incredible over the past week can your performers start to learn or improve their technology skills that they already have

I recently saw the college senior daughter of one of our board members from the chorale at her first attempt at video multi-tracking and it was amazing

she was doing Bill Wither's Leaning On Me so it was a sort of heart-rending but it was wonderful as well
彼女はビル・ウィザーの「Leaning On Me」をやりました。せつない曲ですが、同時に素晴らしかったです。

and we're also seeing on a professional singer level we're seeing some great creativity a lot for performers like Dua Lipa and others who are doing virtual cloud sourcing for videos and performances

can we look at three to four performers doing a small virtual performance together

do you have inventory recordings CDs t-shirts programs that you can sell on your website at this time

and one other thing and I'm not sure how this translates to the choral community as well but I know in the singer-songwriter community in Ohio they're developing a virtual tip jar a for being able to give tips to performers who are doing things in a virtual setting

so I think with those ideas in mind I want to hand over the microphone to my colleague Molly Quinlan Hays who has really great information on disaster preparedness planning and a number of other topics as well

Mollie Quinlan Hayes


as was mentioned the beginning I'm Molly Quinlan Hays I managed the Arts ready national initiative out of South Arts in Atlanta

and we're here to make sure that every arts organization can have a readiness plan and have a plan B so I'm going to really talk for a very quick about five minutes on from that perspective

there is a cycle of readiness response and recovery in disaster management circles which is an actual thing and most of today we've been talking about the response recovery and kind of restart

so I'm gonna fill some concepts in about the readiness piece of the cycle and then look at some ideas about our current situation

so most of what I'm going to talk about focuses on organizations rather than individual artists but I think there's a lot of public crossover information that y'all will find helpful

so what is readiness for arts and cultural organizations

we believe that it is having policies processes documents and trainings and drills in place to keep your operations going and building that concept into just your organizational DNA as part of your planning and strategizing in operations

why is planning important? we don't make good decisions in when we're panicked our cognitive level drops so it's good when you can take some quiet space in mind space to be thinking about this

and I'll probably repeat a few of the ideas that Tom offer in terms of making the most use of this time

why is planning important again you need to think about all kinds of hazards they're both human caused and natural or technological

so in arts ready we recommend this particular framework for readiness planning using an all-hazards concept which I'll define and looking at all of your critical functions so that you have a plan B a back-up plan for each one of them

all hazards means that if your access to one of your resources or one of your critical business functions is cut off you need to know how you're gonna respond

in normal times say if your accompanist wouldn't come to rehearsal because they had a fever or they eloped went to Tahiti or their basement just flooded and they have to deal with it that doesn't matter what it means is you can't get your companies to rehearsal so how are you going to have a backup in place and what are the critical functions of arts organisations
通常のときであれば、たとえば伴奏者が熱を出したとか、タヒチに駆け落ちしたとか、地下室が水浸しになって対応しなければならないとか、まあ何でもいいのですが、伴奏者がリハーサルに来れなくなったとしたら、どのように対応しますか? 芸術団体にとっての重要な機能とは何でしょうか?

well over the last 10 years a group of arts administrators business continuity experts and people from the cultural heritage sector have worked together to come up with what we believe are the 10 critical business functions that you need to be thinking about

your people: these are artists crew administrators audiences volunteers board members

your programs: concerts educational activities competition special events and fundraisers

facilities: any spaces that you use for your administration for ticket sales for rehearsal performances storage preparation spaces

your finances; which include of course insurance

information technology communications

collections and assets which is a concept that a lot of performing arts organizations don't necessarily think about but certainly your music library your merchandise all those kinds of things are assets and collections that you need to any instruments that you own

trainings and drills to make sure that people are regularly updated on what their role should be

and finally community which is really how do you work within your community of practice of artistic practice but also your geographical community

Tom mentioned being in touch with your public health office you should also have a relationship with your local emergency management office

this crisis is different than most others because the threat is invisible and there's no sense of an end to it. unlike a fire or a protest or a tornado we just don't know when this is going to stop and we'll return to something like normal

so here a couple of my personal tenants when I talk to people about readiness planning

the first one is no guilt start where you. are you've probably got some elements of our readiness plan already in place you just need to consciously think about collecting those

if you haven't thought in the space very much or at all that's fine. both at performingartsreadiness.org and at artsready.org we have a ton of resources in our library in our planning tools and our sample plans for you to look at how you might take some first easy steps to do that
あまり考えたことがなくても、それでいいのです。performingartsreadiness.org と artsready.org の両方のライブラリに、たくさんのリソースがあります。計画のためのツールとか、サンプル計画とか、それを参考にすれば最初のステップを簡単に踏み出すことができます。

what might be helpful in this particular moment related to what I've just described one is communications protocol. making sure that you have the ability to be in touch quickly and clearly without everyone that you need to your participants your artists your stakeholders make sure that's up-to-date

now in March I was on a few webinars very early in this and at that point my advice was you cannot over communicate

I'm kind of second-guessing that now because we're all kind of being bombarded with information and all this latest article in this study and so you might want to be more of a gatekeeper now about your communication

but I think that still we need to be very transparent and clear when we communicate with people and if we don't know the answers there are a lot of questions we don't have answers to we just need to honestly say we don't know this is where we are right now

with the medical professionals talked a lot about these issues of privacy and sensitivity so I'm going to skip over that but you might want to think in terms of privacy and sensitivity

an idea of maybe a safety office or an ombudsman when we help people organizations develop readiness plans for their organization we say you need to have a response team and a team leader

it's not necessarily the executive director but someone through whom all communication goes in and out so one person has all the facts and can relay that to the right people

and so that is something that if you don't have one of those you might want to particularly as we start moving to the place where you're going to start gathering back together again in real life

I can imagine that if I were a member of a choir I would have this incredible tension between I love the group I want to be with the group they count on me versus I'm anxious and I'm scared and I'm not sure if I want to go there

again no guilt right we all just have to be in that space where we are and honor that

but also in this as we come back together it's also might be a good idea to have this neutral person who not only is overseeing the things we've talked about whether it's the sanitizing the space making sure that the screening is going on at the door all of that but also who can be the neutral communicator

if I were next to a friend someone I cared about but they are not six feet away or they are sneezing I don't necessarily want to have to confront them and say you should go home but you have a neutral person who is responsible for that activity you can take any concerns to them and let them handle it so it kind of keeps that spirit intact

another obvious tenant in readiness planning is if you see something say something for instance you know a backpack in the wings that's just suddenly appreared and nobody knows who owns it or if you see a stack of chairs blocking the emergency exit you want to tell somebody

well where we are now again if you see something say something hopefully again to some neutral person but we need to take care of ourselves and always be watchful and cautious

readiness will mean and readiness in general in needs and an investment of time and money more time than money actually it's about making good decisions
レディネスは、一般的には、必要な時期に行う時間とお金の投資であり、―実際にはお金よりも時間の方がかかりますが― 良い決定を行うということです。

as well as also obviously getting some special equipment that you might need you should already be investing in really good data backup and storage and security you should have appropriate levels and types of insurance as tom said

now you're gonna have to think about budgeting for masks or sanitizer or tests or signage and floor markers for the space

I've seen all these commercial in Walmart or they just need to slap them out there but you know it's harder for us but we're gonna have to find some resources to do that

one way might be to work collaboratively and I'll get back to that in just a moment someone mentioned dr. Selig Spees the paper from the San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus if you haven't seen it do is wonderful it's very clear and has a lot of great tips
誰かと共同で取り組むのもいいかもしれません。私はちょうど言えることがあります。Selig Spees博士のサンフランシスコゲイ男性合唱団に関する論文は、もし見たことがなければ、非常に明確であり、多くの素晴らしいヒントがあります。

also think about how you might have to communicate if you use a shared space who else is going to be in that space who's going to be responsible for sanitizing of before and after do you have landlords or tenants that you need to be talking about a restart

another thing that I've heard recently is the idea of not make any big commitments now

but okay we're gonna do this and we're gonna be ready so that in January we're gonna ready to go we have no idea what is coming

so meet be nimble start small start lower level kinds of stuff test it out because we might find that we have to put the brakes on it again in the fall

use this downtime to plan I'm gonna echo some of what Tom said you know put things in place you can record interviews with some of your longest standing members put together some history with the artistic director people love to see backstage things so posting some of those online for your folks who can't attend your performances right now

document historical events building redundancies and cross-training it's so hard for those of us in the arts to cross-train whether it's at a board level or a staff level

you can have one person describe their key jobs and then process them to another person it's documented and you've also got another trained person

so again use this time by thinking of things that you would have to put off in a regular time of rehearsal and performance

a quote I heard this morning was great and it was seek clarity not certainty

we can't be certain but if we get rid of the buzz and the anxiety and just kind of really seek clarity I think that's a reasonable way to go about getting through this this particular time

and I'll go back to this issue of community and being kind of porous and collaborative when Kathryn invited Tom and I just speak she said that it was the first time that the four posts of this webinar have worked together and what a great community

I think that there's a great benefit to doing that whether it is working to buy signage in bulk if all the arts organizations in your neck of the woods get together or whether it is sharing artists or sharing information

this is a great time people want to connect and you can't do it live in a room with your voice but a lot of other ways we can achieve again.
