



スクリーンショット 2020-06-22 6.18.52

スクリーンショット 2020-06-22 7.00.15










1面:国家安全法案 月内成立も 中国、28日異例の審議再開




香港「法の支配」に危機 9月選挙に懸念 月内に国家安全法案成立も 既存法より優先



スクリーンショット 2020-06-22 6.37.35

1面:プーチン氏、出馬辞さず 4年後の大統領選


国際:NY地区 連邦検事が辞任 政権が司法介入か、野党が調査方針



国際:ボルトン氏の暴露本 出版差し止め棄却 米地裁、内容報じられ「元に戻れぬ」




Things You Need to Know

China's proposed national security law will allow Beijing to override Hong Kong's independent legal system. A draft states that the central government will have jurisdiction over some national security cases, and will install a new police agency in the city. A pro-democracy legislator warned the law will spur an "exodus of young professionals."

Virus update: China suspended imports from a Tyson Foods U.S. poultry facility after a cluster of cases, and Pepsi's Chinese unit closed a food plant in Beijing. Donald Trump at his rally said he'd urged staff to "slow the testing down,” a comment his trade adviser called a joke. Florida cases jumped 3.7%, more than the weekly average, while New York reported infections in line with trends.

Empty seats. Trump drew about 6,200 people to a 19,000-seat arena in Oklahoma for his first rally since the pandemic took hold. The president, in a meandering speech, ramped up his criticism of the nationwide protests, lashed out at Joe Biden, spent 10 minutes defending his unsteady walk down a ramp at West Point and labeled the coronavirus "Kung Flu." His campaign blamed "radical protesters" for blocking entrances and the cancellation of an outdoor event despite little evidence for the claim.

The rest of Trump's weekend didn't go very well either. A federal judge ruled John Bolton can publish his White House tell-all excoriating the president's leadership, but also said the former national security adviser had opened himself to civil and potential criminal liability. And the chief federal prosecutor in New York resigned after a remarkable stand-off with Attorney General William Barr. The president tried to distance himself from the dismissal of Geoffrey Berman, whose office put ex-Trump fixer Michael Cohen in prison and is investigating Rudy Giuliani.

Chart of the Day

Japanese company Daikin Industries is one of the few companies benefiting from both the coronavirus and climate change. Nearing a market value of 5 trillion yen ($47 billion), the world's largest maker of air conditioners is riding an almost uninterrupted eight-year streak which has seen its shares surge more than 700%.

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What to Keep an Eye On

Narendra Modi walked into a diplomatic minefield over India's disputed border with China. The hashtag #ModiSurrendersToChina was trending Saturday on Twitter after the PM stated no one had entered Indian territory or captured any military posts. This raised questions over the deadly clashes that resulted in the death of 20 Indian soldiers and the capture of 10 more by Chinese forces.

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At some point, almost every nation believes it's special and on a mission, Bloomberg Opinion's Andreas Kluth writes. The U.S., U.K., Germany, Japan, Russia, China and India have all thought that they're exceptional. But this can bring hypocrisy and a brutish ethnocentrism that leads to atrocities, tragedy and ruin. Exceptionalism is an infantile and destructive idea. The sooner we drop it, the better.

What Everybody's Talking About

Teenage angst—the political version. Trump's campaign rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, hosted only a fraction of its expected supporters due in part to organized efforts by teens on TikTok, Instagram and Twitter who signed up for the rally with no intention of going. The mostly K-Pop fans, who oppose the president, posted meme after meme of rally registrations. Trump's campaign manager blamed "radical protesters" for the low turnout. Parents said the campaign got "rolled." This may make the event's data—billed as the "biggest data haul and rally signup of all time by 10x"—ineffective.


スクリーンショット 2020-06-22 7.05.11

