



スクリーンショット 2020-06-18 8.17.20




スクリーンショット 2020-06-18 8.30.52




総合2:米中「リベンジ消費」 小売り急回復、若者がけん引


スクリーンショット 2020-06-18 8.37.53

スクリーンショット 2020-06-18 8.38.10

政治:中国進出抑止へ国際協調 日米中心に印豪・東南アと 尖閣連続航行、最長に


スクリーンショット 2020-06-18 8.39.09

経済:税収 コロナ禍が直撃 19年度60兆円割れ、納税猶予響く 20年度も下振れ必至

スクリーンショット 2020-06-18 9.13.11



スクリーンショット 2020-06-18 8.43.57




金融経済:ESG評価会社が乱立 欧米当局が聴取、規制も検討世界600社、ばらつく基準


スクリーンショット 2020-06-18 8.46.53





国際:中印衝突 45年ぶり死者
「領土」対話探るが双方譲らず 緊張高まるリスクも



スクリーンショット 2020-06-18 8.49.41

国際:欧州にデフレの足音 5月、12ヵ国で物価マイナス コロナで需要減


スクリーンショット 2020-06-18 8.52.33


国際:米、警察改革巡り火花 トランプ氏が大統領令署名




コロナ禍、海外投資縮小の動き 「防波堤」マネー逆流?


スクリーンショット 2020-06-18 8.56.02


スクリーンショット 2020-06-18 8.56.30






Things You Need to Know

Donald Trump asked Xi Jinping to help him win re-election by buying a lot of U.S. agricultural products, John Bolton's new book alleges. The president was "pleading with Xi to ensure he'd win," the NYT cites the book as saying. The WSJ reported that Trump also praised the Uighur detention camps to his Chinese opposite. The former national security adviser also writes that the House's impeachment probe should've investigated Trump not just for pressuring Ukraine over Joe Biden but also for other times when he sought to influence law enforcement for political reasons. Trump campaign spokesman Tim Murtaugh called Bolton's claims "absurd." After the stories ran, the White House announced that Trump had signed the Uighur rights bill passed by Congress.

Narendra Modi vowed India would defend its sovereignty in its border dispute with China, even as the two sides were agreeing to ease tensions and implement a June 6 disengagement accord. Senior military commanders and diplomats continued to talk. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi issued both threats and a pledge to de-escalate in a phone call with his Indian counterpart.

Jerome Powell urged U.S. lawmakers to maintain fiscal stimulus, putting his thumb on a debate over whether to extend temporary aid programs. "It would be a concern if Congress were to pull back from the support that it’s providing too quickly,” the Fed chief told the House Financial Services Committee. "The economy is just now beginning to recover." He predicted "strong job creation between now and the end of July," and said this week's strong retail sales data "bodes well."

The EU moved to defend companies from M&A by competitors in China and other countries, unveiling plans that include banning some firms from making acquisitions, forced divestments, and fines. It would effectively extend the EU's strict state-aid rules to businesses outside the bloc. The plans may be incorporated in draft legislation next year.

OPEC presented a bearish outlook, saying fuel demand will remain under pressure in the second half. A gradual recovery in the global economy won't compensate for the slump in the first half. The cartel cut its crude supply estimate for this quarter by 2.17 million barrels a day, with overall output plunging by 6.3 million barrels a day last month to 24.2 million. A delegate said OPEC+ implemented 87% of its pledged cuts in May and is due to hold an online meeting today to review the deal.

Chart of the Day

Investment and trade have underpinned the U.S.-China relationship, though reciprocal tariffs in 2018 have weakened the bond. While progress in trade negotiations helped reduce tensions, the outbreak has posed a challenge for China to live up to purchase commitments it made in a deal signed in January: Through May this year, China's exports to America shrank 14.3%, while imports from the U.S. fell 7.6% from a year ago.

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What to Keep an Eye On

Two Asian central banks, two likely rate cuts. Consensus is for Bank Indonesia to take 25 bps off the top to 4.25% to support full-year growth that the government says may to slow to zero. The rupiah's rebound has removed an obstacle. Taiwan's policy makers—who may have acted to weaken the local dollar in recent days—could make a second-straight quarterly 12.5 bps cut, to a record 1%. New Zealand's first-quarter GDP and Australian May jobs numbers are also due today.

The BOE will expend more of its ammo by boosting bond purchases a further 100 billion pounds today, consensus shows. The key rate will be held at 0.1%, though some economists see a cut to zero this year and even a negative rate at some stage. That's probably a last resort, with more QE, tweaks to the lending program or yield curve control more likely.

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Virus update: Troubling signs persist in Texas and Florida, with hospitalizations rising in the former and the test positivity rate surging in the latter. New York City, though, is on track to move to Phase 2 of its reopening on Monday. The WHO halted its trial of hydroxychloroquine as a potential treatment. Advisers concluded that the drug shows no relative benefits in reducing deaths. Indonesia now has the most infections in Southeast Asia, overtaking Singapore as it ramps up testing.

Don't expect U.S. trade deals with the EU or U.K. this year. USTR Robert Lighthizer told Congress that the administration has made "very little" headway with Europe, as agriculture remains a key sticking point, and he reiterated President Trump's threat to impose tariffs. He was more confident a deal with Britain will be reached, but said the timing remains unclear. He also slammed the WTO as a "mess." In further trade friction, Lighthizer said Steven Mnuchin withdrew the U.S. from international talks over a new digital tax framework for tech companies.



スクリーンショット 2020-06-18 9.03.13

