
Day 8 : Records of the same day for a quarter century

This gentleman, yes, gentlemen, I would call him so with emphasis , is always called above in Japanese, with much respect (I would say much), and a little bit of banter (I would say a little).

There are a number of reasons why he is so called;

-Having a wealth of knowledge 
-Friendly, cheerful and fair
-Drunk and forgetting the conversation 
-Speaking too much dajare, just like that daddy mentioned in my note of Day 7

Enough for some criticism in the latter parts..So let me tell you another good thing.
No matter how he gets wasted with too much drinks, he could tell you where he went and what he had.
That’s because he records the name of restaurants, what he had there with whom, for what reasons, in very much details, after however deeply he gets wasted... I knew about it as he once boasted about it.

As he just started his own 1,000 day challenge, in his note he showed us his records of what he has done on July 17th for the past a quarter century!!

That was something much more in details than I expected...

As noted first, nobody can’t help agreeing that he’s got such a vast store of knowledge.  
I think I also found one of key factors of his pool of knowledge, other than the facts that he loves books, and he works at a publishing company.

That should be his diary. 

I think I did a great job of flattering this elder...!

Word of the day:
Banter (気さくな会話、からかい、冷やかし)

Quote of the day:
Never tease an old dog; he might have one bite left. - Robert A. Heinlein
