
Scady in mid 40s and trying to find how to …


Scady in mid 40s and trying to find how to survive in the 100 year life.


Day 1,818: go to the wall

This means that Chinese capacity is big enough to keep the expansion going for years to come, even if some of the companies involved go to the wall and some investment dries up.

    • Day 1,817: proclivity

      Other constraints do exist. Given people’s proclivity for living outside daylight hours, solar power needs to be complemented with storage and supplemented by other technologies.

      • Day 1,816: ingenuity

        The resources needed to produce solar cells and plant them on solar farms are silicon-rich sand, sunny places and human ingenuity, all three of which are abundant.

        • Day 1,815: hyperbole

          To call solar power’s rise exponential is not hyperbole, but a statement of fact.

        Day 1,818: go to the wall

          Day 1,814: out-of-the-way, Ferris wheel

          The phone company hoped it could replace the batteries that run equipment in out-of-the-way places. It also realised that powering devices with light alone showed how science could make the future seem wonderful; hence a press event at whic

          Day 1,814: out-of-the-way, Ferris wheel

          Day 1,813: prowess

          It will also aim to convert its technological prowess into economic and diplomatic influence.

          Day 1,813: prowess

          Day 1,812: perovskite

          Its perovskite-based solar panels will work just as well in Gabon as in the Gobi desert.

          Day 1,812: perovskite

          Day 1,811: mediocre, sheaf

          The country’s many state-owned firms are sclerotic. Much of the spending on research is guided by the state’s heavy hand. And some mediocre universities still produce mediocre research. China’s innovation, in other words, is inefficient. Ye

          Day 1,811: mediocre, sheaf

          Day 1,810: wean off

          Huawei, a Chinese telecoms firm brought low after most American firms were barred from dealing with it by 2020, is resurgent today and has weaned itself off many foreign suppliers.

          Day 1,810: wean off

          day 1809: cryogenic

          Chinese laboratories contain some of the most advanced kit, from supercomputers and ultra-high-energy detectors to cryogenic electron microscopes.

          day 1809: cryogenic

          Day 1,808: disparage, churn out

          Meanwhile, its science was disparaged, partly because it encouraged researchers to churn out high volumes of poor-quality scientific papers.

          Day 1,808: disparage, churn out

          Day 1,807: blazon

          An artist was chosen to blazon the hero’s shield.

          Day 1,807: blazon

          Day 1,806: far-flung, blast furnace

          Europeans struggled to accept that such a far-flung place could possibly have invented the compass, the crossbow and the blast furnace.

          Day 1,806: far-flung, blast furnace

          Day 1,805: usher

          By doing so, he would ensure that India’s government was stable—and he would usher in a new sort of Indian politics, capable of bringing about the reforms needed to ensure India’s transformation can continue when the Modi Raj is over.

          Day 1,805: usher

          Day 1,804: degenerate

          If strongman rule degenerated into the arbitrary exercise of power, it would eventually destroy the property rights that they depend on.

          Day 1,804: degenerate

          Day 1,803: gum up, spoils

          The small parties may gum up decision-making as they demand a share of the spoils.

          Day 1,803: gum up, spoils