
Scady in mid 40s and trying to find how to …


Scady in mid 40s and trying to find how to survive in the 100 year life.


Day 1,894: mandate, vice

And, for a party that wants to strengthen democracy, governing is better if its winning mandate contains a programme. Unless she is clearer about what she wants to do with power, her term will be dominated by campaigning—with all its vices

    • Day 1,893: platitude, rebut, unspool

      When, in the debate due on September 10th, Mr Trump attacks her for being too weak to stand up to Russia and China, or too much of a radical socialist to deal with immigration or create a healthy economy, she will need more than platitudes

      • Day 1,892: adversity, sparing, overriding, guile, cunning, wedge, wonkery, reams

        If Ms Harris struggles to knit together her biography, her principles and her policies, she will also struggle in a president’s crucial role: explaining to the nation how it should meet adversity. It may seem unfair to criticise Ms Harris

        • Day 1,891: rash, profligacy

          But when America’s budget deficit is 7% of gdp, her failure to finance it through taxes would be rash and inflationary (we would choose it only as an alternative to Mr Trump’s even wilder profligacy).

        Day 1,894: mandate, vice

          Day 1,890: signal, spell danger, tall order

          But when pragmatism signals a lack of thought-through principles, it can spell danger. Yet unless she also succeeds in her plan to increase the supply of housing—a tall order—subsidies will raise house prices instead.

          Day 1,890: signal, spell danger, tall order

          Day 1,889: sparse, price-gouging, placate, manoeuvre, outlaw, single-payer health care

          Her policy platform was mostly inherited from her boss, and it is even sparser than Mr Trump’s. When she takes positions—such as vowing to deal with corporate price-gouging—they may not be expressions of her political beliefs so much as cam

          Day 1,889: sparse, price-gouging, placate, manoeuvre, outlaw, single-payer health care

          Day 1,888: disconcertingly, wonk, unknown quantity

          Unfortunately, how that would translate into a Harris presidency remains disconcertingly vague. Mr Trump is no wonk and, with him as an opponent, character matters. Politically, Ms Harris is still an unknown quantity—and she is partly res

          Day 1,888: disconcertingly, wonk, unknown quantity

          Day 1,887: valedictory, scold, rambling

          For a start she is not Joe Biden, who showed in a valedictory speech in Chicago that age has turned him into a scold. Americans now know she worked at McDonald’s and that every year she teases her husband by playing the rambling voicemail

          Day 1,887: valedictory, scold, rambling

          Day 1,886: avert, adversary, fray

          In so doing, it helps avert destabilising nuclear proliferation. This logic has kept America, and perhaps even its adversaries, safer for 80 years. In a dangerous world, it would be reckless to let America’s nuclear umbrella fray.

          Day 1,886: avert, adversary, fray

          Day 1,885: minion

          Until Lancelot betrayed Arthur, he was the king’s minion.

          Day 1,885: minion

          Day 1,884: collude, incinerate, spurned, mercurial

          China, Iran, Russia and North Korea are co-operating on military matters and could collude on missile technology, too. Now it has nuclear missiles that could incinerate American cities. North Korea has spurned offers to talk; Iran is merc

          Day 1,884: collude, incinerate, spurned, mercurial

          Day 1,883: mutate, warhead, arsenal

          Instead, nuclear threats have proliferated and mutated. The number of warheads is rising again, as China’s arsenal expands from a few hundred a decade ago to perhaps 1,000 by 2035.

          Day 1,883: mutate, warhead, arsenal

          Day 1,882: thuggery

          Yet their party also has a record of thuggery and cronyism.

          Day 1,882: thuggery

          Day 1,881: retributive, caretaker

          His priority should be to restore order and prevent waves of retributive violence, which have blighted Bangladeshi politics in the past. This means ensuring that the caretaker government, while run by technocrats, also includes representati

          Day 1,881: retributive, caretaker

          Day 1,880: feisty, cordial, farcical

          Rising incomes and feisty ngos helped cut poverty, boost literacy and get more women into jobs. Diplomatically, Sheikh Hasina had close ties to India but also forged military and commercial links with China and sought cordial relations wit

          Day 1,880: feisty, cordial, farcical

          Day 1,879: ransack, vandalise, revere

          After the army withdrew its support for Sheikh Hasina rather than spill more blood, mobs ransacked her palace. They vandalised statues of her father, who led Bangladesh to independence, and around whom Sheikh Hasina had built a personality

          Day 1,879: ransack, vandalise, revere