Taddy de ナイト(night) in Dubai~ES Dubai~

Hello! This is Taddy de night☆*

Today was the first day in a language school called ES Dubai!! I was nervous, but I enjoyed the classes. 

At first, I took the placement test (Writing and Speaking). I have already took reading(grammar) test before I came here. The result was Intermediate level except for Speaking. I think that Speaking is my biggest challenge. So I decided to take Speaking class(the academic manager allowed me to enter the Intermediate class) in addition to the general class(: grammar, vocabulary, writing, speaking, studying English overall).   

The photos shows classrooms. (I took these after school, so there is no person.)



This shows free space to study or talk.


Today's my record

7:00 left for the school
8:15 arrived at school
8:30~10:00 the introduction and writing test and speaking test
10:45~11:45 the general class
12:00~15:00 the speaking class(Lunch time13:15~14:00)
15:00~18:10 did my homework and talked with my new friends
18:10~18:30 Shopping at a supermarket next to the school
20:10 back to my dorm

Here is English school, there are many students from various countries, for example, Colombia, Thailand, Belgium, Brazil, Argentina, Sudan, and so on. Some Japanese are also here (of course we talk in English).    

Please let me tell you about my first impression about class. The general class is to study grammar about asking some questions mainly. The grammar is not so difficult for me(maybe Japanese people), but it is difficult to explain to someone the correct grammar in English. The speaking level is not so high but at best I followed their conversation and gave an easy opinion. The speaking class is to discuss rebellious teenagers. It is difficult for me to express my opinion in English correctly. 

Sometimes I didn't understand what classmates said. It is difficult to listen to native speaker's talking, but non-native speakers' discussion is much more difficult. 

After school, one of my classmates who is from Kyrgyz talked to me when I was doing homework at school's free space. He's been here for six months. He studies English because his next goal, to study something in U.S or Canada(maybe at a university because he is 20 years old.) Then, he invite me to his good friend who is from Algeria. We talked about Japanese anime, Naruto, One Piece, Pokemon, etc... I was surprised that they knew SAO and 転生したらスライムだった件 hahaha.  

On the other hand, I was shocked that they speak more than three languages fluently. One speaks Kyrgyz, Russian(the official language in Kyrgyz), and English, the other speaks Arabic, French, Berber, English.  While living in Japan, we don't have to use other languages. However, maybe it is usual for them to speak some languages. I don't want to judge which is better, but I felt the different circumstance between their countries and Japan.

Today, I practiced to speak English positively by not worrying about correct grammar and vocabulary.  But, I have to speak correct English and explain my opinion including the detail to work for the company I will enter. I have to speak and study more and more!

I was very tired. I will go to bed after finishing today's class review.

Thank you for reading. This was Taddy de night☆*
