
I participated in Open Data Hackathon Tokyo Mayor’s cup 2023

This time I would like to write about my participation in tOpen Data Hackathon Tokyo Mayor’s cup.

What is the Open Data Hackathon Tokyo Mayor’s cup?

This is an event to challenge social issues by utilizing open data published by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. I entered the idea proposal category.

I participated as "aki, NaKANO ki"
I made a proposal on the theme of using open data to increase the number of shelters in Tokyo.

My team presentated
"Disaster Prevention in Tokyo: Let's Increase Evacuation Shelters." 

I made a presentation on the theme of "Which ward should increase the number of evacuation centers first?

For this proposal, we used
data on the number of evacuation centers published by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government
open data on flood inundation areas and storm surge inundation areas published by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism

From these data Which wards should be prioritized for additional shelters now? Visualization

The tool used for this visualization is Tableau, a BI tool
which is also available on my Tableau Public
Tokyo Hackathon#001 (Team aki, Nakano ki) | Tableau Public

Although we were not able to win a prize in this Hackathon FinalStage,
Mr. Miyasaka, the current Vice Governor of Tokyo (former President of Yahoo! Japan),
felt the significance and impact of visualization and the need to do so. Tokyo Metropolitan Government employees are now able to do so much and commented on it!

I said 300 hours to get to this point, but I will write a separate article on what can be visualized without spending that much.

Our announcement archive is here(Youtube) 

For me personally, this hackathon was a great opportunity to experience the value of open data and the significance of visualizing it!

In addition,

VIZZEIS, formed from the Tableau user community to which I belong, won the Idea Proposal Award!
"Open data for life!"
is really a great quote!

If you are interested in open data and its Visualization

Please join us for the next year's Governor Shin Cup Open Data Hackathon!
Let's work together to boost the use of open data in Tokyo and beyond in Japan!
