
【What is Buddhism? 英語で知ろう! 初めての仏教4】「Bon Dancing」ってどんなもの?



Michelle: Speaking of Bon Dancing, my grandparents' house was situated in an area with many temples, so when I was little, I used to go to the temple in right in front of the house to participate in the summer Bon Dancing festival every year.


Nanjo: What was your impression of the Bon Dancing held at the Buddhist temple?


Michelle: My oldest memory is actually about Bon Dancing. It was my grandfather's “Niibon” (the first Bon festival following the death of a family member). The temple had enlarged my grandfather’s picture to an enormous size and put it up where everyone could see it. And the temple ground was beautifully lit up with paper lanterns, and seeing the people dancing to the music was truly mystical.


Nanjo: That's a wonderful memory! It certainly feels like a unique atmosphere.



Michelle: Also, I belong to a Japanese drum club at a University where I teach, so one day I want to play the drums for a Bon dance someday!


Nanjo: Wow! I will definitely go and enjoy Bon dancing when Michelle will play the Taiko drums for sure♪

南條:なんと! じゃあミッシェールさんが盆踊りで太鼓の演奏をされる際は、ぜひ出向いて全力で楽しんで踊りますね♪

Michelle: I’ll look forward to seeing you there♪



【Column】The History of Bon Dancing

The history of Bon Dancing in Japan can be traced back about 600 years from today. It is held during the summer Bon period when the spirits of ancestors are supposed to revisit the household altars. However, much of its origins and details remain unclear. But it can be said that it is a traditional art form that has developed in various parts of Japan.
Bon Dancing at Tsukiji Hongwanji is held every year for four days between late July and early August (it is scheduled to be canceled due to Covid-19 this year).
In the middle of the precinct, Yagura (a high wooden scaffold) is placed as a symbol. And it is known as the "Japan's most gourmet Bon Dancing" because it is surrounded by famous Tsukiji restaurant.
Bon Dancing is also popular in temples overseas, and the supporters of the temple enjoy the event and it also serves as fundraising. It has also made a significant contribution to promoting Japanese culture overseas.





▶The next theme is "Is it okay for Buddhist priests to eat meat?"

Michelle Yamamoto
TV presenter and reporter for NHK WORLD TV, Trilingual MC, university lecturer. Born in the US and raised in LA, Scotland, France, Germany, Hong Kong and Japan.

NHK国際放送局のキャスター・リポーター 。アメリカで生まれ、幼い頃からイギリス、フランス、ドイツなどで海外生活を経験。国際的な感覚をもちながらも、日本の伝統的な「和の美しさ」に対する関心は高く、日本の伝統美の取材も精力的に続けている。その他、英語、スピーチ、コミュニケーション講師として、大学や企業でも活躍中。 著書「やさしい英語でSDGs!: 地球の課題(Global issues)を英語で学び、未来を語ろう!」(合同出版)等


Ryoei Nanjo
Ordained Shin Buddhist minister, Ph.D (Letters), lecturer at Ryukoku University. Studied at Institute of Buddhist Studies in CA in 2011.

浄土真宗本願寺派 法重寺副住職。布教使。龍谷大学大学院 博士後期課程 2011年、龍谷大学大学院時代、一年間IBS(米国仏教大学院)へ留学。他宗教者との交流を深め、英語で仏教・浄土真宗を学び、北米寺院の活動についてフィールドワークを行う。留学経験などで培った英語能力を活かし、現在は、築地本願寺で毎月行われている英語法座の運営委員を務めている。

