すず奴のボストンバスキング日記 day8

day 8
Boston Medical Shapiro Center
725 Albany Street, Boston MA 02118
30分, $0.00

Asian Women For Healthというボストンの団体が毎年開催している、過去にガンやトラウマを経験しながらも、その後の人生を力強く生きているアジア系女性をフィーチャーしたチャリティファッションショー”CerebrAsian Fashion Show”の、受付から開演までの30分間をソロ演奏しました。





day 8
Saturday, Oct. 13, 6:00-6:30pm
Sunny day, 54F°
at Boston Medical Shapiro Center
725 Albany Street, Boston MA 02118
30mins, $0.00

Today's busking place was not at Boston Common, at the lobby of Boston Medical Shapiro Center. I performed solo trombone for 30 mins during the reception of "CerebrAsian Fashion Show" directed by Asian Women For Health, a peer-led, community-based network dedicated to advancing Asian women’s health and wellness in Boston.

I was asked to perform as my unit "Sushi Planet" last year and this year, but last year my buddy Mr. Sushi couldn't make it (couldn't bring a vibraphone...) so my friend Rina, a great pianist, accepted to accompany me even though I had asked her a few days before the show. This year Mr. Sushi has already gone back Japan and I couldn't get any pianists so I was such a brave to perform without accompanists. At last Sushi Planet has never performed for 2 years. lol

I'm a breast cancer survivor. Diagnosed and took surgery in 2013, and then took radiotherapy for 6 weeks. After that I have taken medical check-up, mammography, and echo annually when I go back to Japan. So far there is no relapses and I have been well for 4 years.

For the fashion show, 3 wonderful designers, 1 hair stylist, and 3 makeup artists provided their professional services for models, however unfortunately I have had some itchy red rashes on my face since this summer, so I did makeup and hair styling myself. 

The elegant dresses I wore were designed by Philip Sewer. These were so chic, stylish, and smart that I looked like a beautiful middle aged lady. I am usually said to look younger than my real age, but I realized that was because of the clothes that I usually wore, not because I really looked young. The clothes that I usually wear are casual, colorful, and cheap. It would be fun and great that I try to put on elegant clothes to become a beautiful middle-aged woman. :)
