
不思議の国のアリス|翻訳11(第6章 ブタと胡椒①)



Pig and Pepper(ブタと胡椒)①

For a minute or two she stood looking at the house, and wondering what to do next, when suddenly a footman in livery came running out of the wood—(she considered him to be a footman because he was in livery: otherwise, judging by his face only, she would have called him a fish)—and rapped loudly at the door with his knuckles.


  • footman(従僕、召使い)

  • liveryリブリィ(使用人が着る制服、仕着せ)

  • otherwise(さもなければ、そうしないと、そうでなければ)

  • judging(ジャッジ、判決、判定、判断)

  • rapped(rapラップの過去形・過去分詞、トントンたたく、ノックする非難、大声で言う)

  • loudlyラウドゥリィ(大声で、騒々しく)

  • knuckles(knuckleナックルの複数形、指関節、拳)

◆otherwise, judging by his face only,

It was opened by another footman in livery, with a round face, and large eyes like a frog; and both footmen, Alice noticed, had powdered hair that curled all over their heads. She felt very curious to know what it was all about, and crept a little way out of the wood to listen.


  • creptクレプトゥ(creepの過去形・過去分詞、忍び寄る、這う)

使用人の髪型とpowder hair(髪粉)について

◆She felt very curious to know what it was all about,
→(追記)「all about」は髪の事ではなくて「使用人2人がする全てのこと」悲しい読解力。

◆and crept a little way out of the wood to listen.

The Fish-Footman began by producing from under his arm a great letter, nearly as large as himself, and this he handed over to the other, saying, in a solemn tone, 'For the Duchess. An invitation from the Queen to play croquet.' The Frog-Footman repeated, in the same solemn tone, only changing the order of the words a little, 'From the Queen. An invitation for the Duchess to play croquet.'


  • produce(生み出す、作り出す、取り出す)

  • nearly(ほとんど)

  • hand over(手渡す)

  • solemnサラム(厳粛な、真面目な、重苦しい)

  • invitationインヴィテイション(招待)

◆and this he handed over to the other,

Then they both bowed low, and their curls got entangled together.
Alice laughed so much at this, that she had to run back into the wood for fear of their hearing her; and when she next peeped out the Fish-Footman was gone, and the other was sitting on the ground near the door, staring stupidly up into the sky.


  • bow(おじぎ、屈する)

  • peep(覗き見)

  • staringステァリング(じろじろ見る)

Alice went timidly up to the door, and knocked.
'There's no sort of use in knocking,' said the Footman, 'and that for two reasons. First, because I'm on the same side of the door as you are; secondly, because they're making such a noise inside, no one could possibly hear you.' And certainly there was a most extraordinary noise going on within—a constant howling and sneezing, and every now and then a great crash, as if a dish or kettle had been broken to pieces.


  • sort of(短縮形はsorta、多少、ほどほど、いくぶんか)

  • extraordinary イクス・トロードゥ・ネリ(異常な、尋常でない、特別な、並外れた)

  • within(~の範囲内で)

  • constant(絶えず続く、定期的な、一定な)

  • howling(泣き叫ぶ、わめく)

  • sneezeスニィーズ(くしゃみ)

  • every now and then(時々)

  • kettle(やかん、湯沸かし)

'Please, then,' said Alice, 'how am I to get in?'
'There might be some sense in your knocking,' the Footman went on without attending to her, 'if we had the door between us. For instance, if you were INSIDE, you might knock, and I could let you out, you know.' He was looking up into the sky all the time he was speaking, and this Alice thought decidedly uncivil. 'But perhaps he can't help it,' she said to herself; 'his eyes are so VERY nearly at the top of his head. But at any rate he might answer questions.—How am I to get in?' she repeated, aloud.


  • sense(感覚、意味、価値)

  • instance(例、実例、事例、実証)

  • for instance(たとえば)

  • uncivilアンシヴィル(無礼、無作法、失礼)

  • ( I ) can't help it(仕方がない、どうしようもない)

  • at any rate(とにかく)

  • aloud(声に出して、大声で)

◆There might be some sense in your knocking,
あるかもしれない(there isの中にmightが入っている)、いくらかsenseが(この場合は意義、価値、合理性)、あなたがノックすることに

◆can't helpの意味
 I can't help it

'I shall sit here,' the Footman remarked, 'till tomorrow—'
At this moment the door of the house opened, and a large plate came skimming out, straight at the Footman's head: it just grazed his nose, and broke to pieces against one of the trees behind him.


  • remark(意見を言う、言及する)

  • skim(薄い膜、ざっと読む、すくい取る)

  • straight(ストレート、真っすぐ、連続した)

  • grazeグレェィズ(擦りむく、かする)

be 100%「いる、ある」
shall 98~100%「神の意思」「天命を受けた」日本語で言う古語のようなもので、滅多に使われない。
must 98~100% 主観的「~に違いない」絶対・強制的。これしかないもモノが追ってくるイメージ。
have to 98~100% 客観的「(状況的に)~に違いない」義務・責任感。
will 80~100% 「~だろう」自分の意思。
would 80~100% 「~だろう」控え目で、丁寧で、確率の低い「will」
should 70~90% 主観的意見「たぶん~だ」「これまでの経験から、普通はこうだよね」
ought to 70~90% 客観的真実「たぶん~だ」shouldよりも命令的。
can 50~70% 「~ということはあり得る」事実、能力、根拠に基づいた可能性。
may 30~50% 「~かもしれない(推量)」話し手の推測、自信がない。
might 25~50% 「ひょっとして~かも」
could 20~50% 「ひょっとして~かも?」

'—or next day, maybe,' the Footman continued in the same tone, exactly as if nothing had happened.
'How am I to get in?' asked Alice again, in a louder tone.
'ARE you to get in at all?' said the Footman. 'That's the first question, you know.'
It was, no doubt: only Alice did not like to be told so. 'It's really dreadful,' she muttered to herself, 'the way all the creatures argue. It's enough to drive one crazy!'


  • at all(少しも、いったい、そもそも、いやしくも、かりそめにも)否定や疑問を強調する働き。

  • no doubt(たしかに、~を疑う)

  • told(tell)

  • dreadfulドゥレッドゥフォウ(非常に恐ろしい、ひどく不快、忌むべき、ものすごい)

  • mutteredマタァ(不平・不満・文句を言う)

  • argueアーギュー(口論、言い争う、論じる)

  • drive one crazy(頭にくる、憤慨する)driveには「人をある状態へと至らせる」という意味もある。

◆the way all the creatures argue.
◆It's enough to drive one crazy!

The Footman seemed to think this a good opportunity for repeating his remark, with variations. 'I shall sit here,' he said, 'on and off, for days and days.'
'But what am I to do?' said Alice.
'Anything you like,' said the Footman, and began whistling.
'Oh, there's no use in talking to him,' said Alice desperately: 'he's perfectly idiotic!' And she opened the door and went in.


  • on and off(時々、断続的に)

  • for days and days(何日も何日もずっと、来る日も来る日も)

  • whistling(口笛)

  • desperatelyデスパートゥリィ(やけになって、必死になって、絶望的に)

  • idioticイディオティク(大馬鹿な、間抜けな)

◆The Footman seemed to think this a good opportunity for repeating his remark, with variations.

The door led right into a large kitchen, which was full of smoke from one end to the other: the Duchess was sitting on a three-legged stool in the middle, nursing a baby; the cook was leaning over the fire, stirring a large cauldron which seemed to be full of soup.


  • led(lead)

  • middle(中央、中間)

  • nursing(保育、授乳、看護)

  • leaning over(屈みこむ)

  • lean(寄り掛かる、もたれる、傾く)

  • stir(かき混ぜる)

  • cauldronコルドゥラン(大鍋)

◆The door led right into a large kitchen

'There's certainly too much pepper in that soup!' Alice said to herself, as well as she could for sneezing.
There was certainly too much of it in the air. Even the Duchess sneezed occasionally; and as for the baby, it was sneezing and howling alternately without a moment's pause. The only things in the kitchen that did not sneeze, were the cook, and a large cat which was sitting on the hearth and grinning from ear to ear.


  • occasionallyオケージョナリィ(時々、たまに、時折)

  • alternately(交互に、代わる代わる、一つ置きに)

  • pause a moment(一呼吸置く)

  • hearth(暖炉)

  • grin(歯が見えるくらいにニカッと笑う)

'Please would you tell me,' said Alice, a little timidly, for she was not quite sure whether it was good manners for her to speak first, 'why your cat grins like that?'


'It's a Cheshire cat,' said the Duchess, 'and that's why. Pig!'
She said the last word with such sudden violence that Alice quite jumped; but she saw in another moment that it was addressed to the baby, and not to her, so she took courage, and went on again:—


  • address(話す、対処する、呼びかける)

  • courageカーレッジ(勇気。勇敢さ、勇ましさ)

◆It's a Cheshire cat, and that's why
That's why(だから~だ)

「grin like a Cheshire cat(チェシャ猫のように笑う)」→「歯茎を出して(ニヤニヤ)笑う」という慣用句があり、ルイス・キャロルが執筆している当時はありふれた表現だった。だけどこの慣用句の由来についてはっきりと明らかになっておらず、諸説あるよう。詳しくはウィキペディア

'I didn't know that Cheshire cats always grinned; in fact, I didn't know that cats COULD grin.'
'They all can,' said the Duchess; 'and most of 'em do.'
'I don't know of any that do,' Alice said very politely, feeling quite pleased to have got into a conversation.
'You don't know much,' said the Duchess; 'and that's a fact.'


  • in fact(実際、実は)

  • 'em(themの略)

  • any(数・量の不特定性「いくらか」、種類の任意性「どれか1つの」)

  • politely(丁寧に、上品に)

Alice did not at all like the tone of this remark, and thought it would be as well to introduce some other subject of conversation. While she was trying to fix on one, the cook took the cauldron of soup off the fire, and at once set to work throwing everything within her reach at the Duchess and the baby—the fire-irons came first; then followed a shower of saucepans, plates, and dishes. The Duchess took no notice of them even when they hit her; and the baby was howling so much already, that it was quite impossible to say whether the blows hurt it or not.


  • took(take)

  • saucepans(ソースパン、片手鍋)

  • fire-iron(火かき棒)

  • take no notice(気にも留めない、聞き流す、見向きもしない)

  • blow(打撃)

◆whether or not
~するかどうか。or notは強調の意味合いで、なくても通じる。

