



I was a day off from my work today. so, I thought I spent my free time to study English and go swimming after my sons went to school.BUT! the nursery  school my younger son go to was closed because of influenza virus.The reason why my free time had gone.  Furthermore, older son planed to come back in the morning because the primary school  finished in the morning.Therefore,I decided to be absent from school and take him to  an otolaryngologist and after that we go outside to play! I am always surprised my sons have breakfast earlier, wearing clothe earlier, wash them teeth earlier,of  course they get up earlier. I want them to do so everyday. But so did I. Grow up cheerfully!! Anyway, We had Macdonalds' hamburger as a early lunch and Played near my house. They who  enjoyed themselves to the full are having Katsudon and they seem to be satisfied. I think it was good to take them better than watching Youtube or playing games.


そして、 どのように直せば良いか、 重要な熟語やイディオム、 あなたならこの日記をどの様に英語で表現するか を教えて下さい

  1. 文法と語順: 英語の基本的な文法構造と語順に注意しましょう。特に、主語と動詞の一致や時制の一貫性が重要です。

  2. 自然な表現の使用: 直訳ではなく、英語話者が日常的に使用する自然な表現を使うことが大切です。例えば、「息子たちが早く起きる」は "my sons wake up early" や "my sons are early risers" などと表現できます。

  3. 簡潔さ: 英語では簡潔な表現が好まれることが多いです。無駄な言葉は省き、要点を短く伝えましょう。

  4. イディオムとフレーズ: 日常的なイディオムやフレーズを使って、より自然な英語にすることができます。

  5. あなたの日記の英訳を改善する例をいくつか挙げてみましょう:


"I was a day off from my work today. so, I thought I spent my free time to study English and go swimming after my sons went to school.BUT! the nursery school my younger son go to was closed because of influenza virus."


"Today was my day off, so I planned to study English and swim after dropping my sons off at school and daycare. However, my younger son's daycare was closed due to an influenza outbreak."


"Furthermore, older son planed to come back in the morning because the primary school finished in the morning."


"Additionally, my older son's school ended in the morning, so he was set to come home early."


"Anyway, We had Macdonalds' hamburger as a early lunch and Played near my house."


"Anyway, we grabbed an early lunch at McDonald's and then played in a nearby park."


  1. 主語と動詞の一致の誤り:

    • 元の文: "I thought I spent my free time to study English and go swimming..."

    • 修正後: "I thought I would spend my free time studying English and going swimming..."

  2. 時制の不一致:

    • 元の文: "the nursery school my younger son go to was closed..."

    • 修正後: "the nursery school my younger son goes to was closed..."

  3. 主語と動詞の一致の誤り:

    • 元の文: "older son planed to come back in the morning..."

    • 修正後: "my older son planned to come back in the morning..."



Today was my day off from work. Since it was a weekday, after sending my children off to school and daycare, I had planned to spend my time freely studying English and exercising at the pool. However, my plans for some alone time fell through because my younger son's daycare was closed due to an influenza outbreak. Moreover, my older son's school ended in the morning, so he came back home early! I decided to let him take the day off school, take him to the otolaryngologist in the morning, and then spend the afternoon playing outside together.
When school or daycare is closed, the children always seem to do everything faster. I always wish they would wake up early, but on days off, they wake up surprisingly early. I was the same as a child. Oh, my sons, grow strong and healthy. Well, that's how it went. We had a big lunch at McDonald's early, and then went to play at the nearby park. The children, having played to their hearts' content, now look satisfied eating Katsudon. I'm really glad we did more than just watch YouTube or play games.



  1. "my day off from work"

    • これは「仕事からの休日」という意味で、英語での日記や会話でよく使われる表現です。

  2. "spend my time freely"

    • 「自由に時間を過ごす」という意味で、日記の文脈で自分の計画や意図を表現するのに役立ちます。

  3. "fell through"

    • これは「計画がうまくいかなかった」という意味で、特に予定がキャンセルされたり、期待通りに進まなかったりしたときに使います。

  4. "take the day off school"

    • 「学校を休む」という意味で、子供が学校を休む状況を表すのに適したフレーズです。

  5. "played to their hearts' content"

    • 「思いっきり遊んだ」という意味で、子供たちがとても楽しんだ様子を表現するのに役立ちます。

  6. "more than just watching YouTube or playing games"

    • 「YouTubeを見たりゲームをしたりするだけではなく」という意味で、日常生活における他の活動の重要性を強調するのに使われます。


子供たちは外で遊んだことに満足している様に見えます を英語にして
"子供たちは外で遊んだことに満足している様に見えます" を英語に訳すと、以下のようになります:
"The children seem satisfied with having played outside."


  1. "my day off" - 休日、特に仕事からの休みを表す表現。

  2. "spend my time" - 時間を過ごす、特定の活動に時間を費やすという意味。

  3. "fell through" - 計画や予定がうまくいかなかったことを表す。

  4. "take the day off" - 休日を取る、特に学校や仕事を休むこと。

  5. "played to their hearts' content" - 思いっきり遊んだ、満足するまで遊んだという意味。

  6. "grow strong and healthy" - 元気に成長する、健やかに育つ。

  7. "having fully enjoyed themselves" - 完全に楽しんだ後、満足して楽しむことを終えた後。

  8. "seem satisfied" - 満足しているように見える。

  9. 主語と動詞の一致:

    • 主語が単数形の場合、動詞も単数形にする必要があります(例:"He goes"、"She plays")。

    • 主語が複数形の場合、動詞も通常は複数形になります(例:"They go"、"Children play")。

  10. 時制の一致:

    • 一つの文や物語内で、時制が一貫していることが重要です。過去形の話であれば、全ての動作や状況を過去形で表現します。

  11. 完了分詞の構造("Having + 過去分詞"):

    • この形は、ある動作が別の動作の前に完了したことを示します。例えば、"Having finished my homework, I watched a movie"(宿題を終えた後、映画を見た)。

  12. 所有格の使用:

    • 所有格を使って、人やものの所有関係を示します。例えば、「私の息子」は "my son" となります。

  13. 不定詞と動名詞の使い分け:

    • 不定詞("to + 動詞")は、目的や意図を表す場合に使います(例:"I plan to study")。

    • 動名詞("動詞 + -ing")は、趣味や活動を表す場合に使います(例:"I enjoy swimming")。
