

So, I got a little bit late but last Thursday, there was this event called U-MeetUp. Held by Unimedia Solutions LLC for IT engineers, four people presented their ideas, ending the conference with their panel discussion.

What surprised me was how there were many women engineers. Cause in Japan, we somehow have this weird notion that programming stuff are for BOYS. It might still be the same in Mongolia, but it was still great to see many of them in the IT fields. There were really young engineers too; almost my age or even YOUNGER:))

The event was all in Mongolian, and of course, I couldn't understand a THING. BUT I did understand how excited the engineers were about this event. Discussions overlapped one another, gradually heating up the room with shiny sparks of thoughts and ideas.

BUT... it's not just the discussions that I liked about the event. As the event begun to end, like other employees, I stood near the exit, expressing my thanks to the guests.
"Bayarlalaa, bayartai."
My Mongolian was so BAD. But it was though my bad Mongolian, that I was finally able to become friendly with other employees in Unimedia.

My Mongolian made them laugh. And they taught me words like
"Zaza," which means "uh huh" or "okay okay" in English. A very useful word, I guess:))


だいぶ遅れてしまったけれど、先週の木曜日のこと。モンゴルのUnimedia Solutions LLCが主催するU-MeetUpというイベント、ITの開発者の集まりに、参加させていただいた。





