すなおのEnglish Diary

Hello! So nice to see you through this page!
To you who knows me already, and to you who doesn't know me yet!

Um, I decided to write my everyday journal here note, because I just discovered that there were some people who loves reading English and learning from it.

Plus, it's a great practice for me too! so why not?
I would like to make this journal as if it's some journals that little girls are writing still with figuring out where she is on the point of her life cos that's where I am right now (though I am not little anymore)

So, today, it actually is pretty unusual / exciting day to spend because first, I am not at my home but my grandpa and grandma's one. This happened because my wifi broke down partially, not completely but still frustrating and irritating for someone who works from home. 
So, I just asked them if I could crush in and stay a couple of nights and they of course gently accepted me as always. They are so sweet obviously. Love them.

Thanks to them, my work has been good so far, they literally saved my days and career. 

And from now I am heading to the town to have drinks with my acquaintance. I've met her before once and this would be our second time to meet up and spend time together, but it's still subtle if I can call her my friend or not, respectfully. But I am, for sure, very excited for tonight because I love having drinks and have fun and happy conversation with people and that's exactly what we're gonna do, so who's not gonna be excited about it? no one!

So, let me put down my laptop around here cos I have a place to go now and I don't wanna make this journal longer and kind of boring one, so let me wrap things up around here!

Thank YOU! who read this this far, I love you and I am cherishing and rooting for your learning progress, and your happiness too!

See you so soon! Bye!

ペラペラ話せる英会話の勉強法を伝える 英会話コーチすなお


