
捨てることの意味 The value of letting go


I'm in Tokyo this week.

Almost half a year has passed living a life of aimless wandering, reading books, and making music without doing much proper work. As I've started to see what I should do next and my future, I decided to end this journey for now and move on to the next step, so I've returned to Tokyo (When I told my friends "I'm coming back!", their default response was "Where to?", which makes me realize I'm practically homeless now).

Let's reflect on the words of Takashiro Tsuyoshi, who encouraged me to embark on this wandering journey.


Isn't it great, "wandering abroad for a while"?
Travel as you feel, without looking back on your life so far, enjoy each day, and before you know it, you'll be immersed in the future.
Let's try living such days.
This kind of period doesn't come many times in a lifetime.
In other words, a great chance to change your life has come!
So, here's one piece of advice from me.
Bring as many books as you can (Kindle and self-scanned), and let's aim to read 1000 books in a year!
During this journey, don't think about "sources of income".
That's just a return on knowledge cultivated in the past, and if you have such time, read as many books as possible for the future.
Time is everyone's equal and greatest asset.
I hope you have a wonderful time that leads to the future!


I think I was able to "travel as I felt, without looking back on my life so far, enjoy each day, and before I knew it, become immersed in the future". As I wrote in this note, I feel that until now, I've been thinking calculatingly about what I should do now by building up from the past and working backwards from the future. Of course, that's fine in its own way, but I feel it's different from the way I want to live. Rather, I prefer to jump into what interests me now without thinking too much about the consequences. It's exactly a serendipitous way of thinking. Looking back, I aim for a state where these points become like lines, like surfaces.


While I didn't reach 1000 books a year, I was able to read over 100 books. I read English and Japanese books indiscriminately, as they came to mind. Even topics that seemed completely unrelated and disconnected at first glance, I experienced firsthand how they gradually connected in meaningful ways. Even when talking with friends, I would think, "This is similar to what I read in that book," and it might be that my mind is always in a state close to the default mode network. I feel like I've taken a step closer to the way of innovation and learning that Joi Ito talks about.


Looking back on this wandering journey, I think there were several big learnings. Broadly speaking, they can be divided into the following four points:


Letting go
Diet and health


First, the importance of letting go.

今回の旅では、バックパックと機内持ち込みのスーツケースだけで、半年近くを過ごしたわけですが、特に困ることはなかったように思います。PCさえあればどこでもオンラインでミーティングはできるし、iPad miniとApple pencilさえあれば、本を読むことだって、手書きでメモも取れたりします。また、ピンマイクを持っていけば、ポッドキャストだって収録できます。むしろ、旅の途中であれもいらない、これもいらないという風にそこからさらに減らしさえしました。また、夏の暑い季節・地域を中心に移動しましたが、寒い冬になっても、装備はあまり変えずに過ごせるような気がします。これは、家を解約し、初めに容量を決めて、そこから物を厳選していった意味があったように思います。

Among these, the first is letting go of things, reducing them.
During this trip, I spent nearly half a year with just a backpack and a carry-on suitcase, but I don't think I had any particular difficulties. With just a PC, you can have online meetings anywhere, and with an iPad mini and Apple Pencil, you can read books and even take handwritten notes. Also, if you bring a lapel microphone, you can even record podcasts.Rather, during the trip, I even reduced further, thinking "I don't need this, I don't need that". Also, although I mainly moved around hot summer seasons and regions, I feel like I could spend even cold winters without changing my equipment much. I think there was meaning in canceling my house, deciding on a capacity at the beginning, and carefully selecting items from there.


Another thing I largely let go of was my past career and industry. I worked for nearly three years at an industry-specific foreign consulting firm, and letting go of that career might be frightening for many people. I was anxious at first too, but now I think not letting go would have been the bigger risk. There's a scenery that becomes visible by letting go. No longer needing to work at the same place at the same time every day. No longer having to cut into my precious time chasing some deadline. By "letting go" of such things, I think I was able to truly take time to face myself.


Also, I think the meaning of letting go is to create blank spaces, margins. When most of the day is filled with "other people's time", we can't do what we really want to do, and we tend to lose our own axis. By letting go, margins are created, and unexpected chances and encounters should roll in there. Even in such cases, if there are blank spaces, we are in a state where we can move in any way. In other words, by having a blank canvas, we can gain the chance to paint any picture we want. My next chapter, too, is probably a chance or encounter that would never have rolled in if I hadn't "let go".


As this has become quite long, I think I'll deliver the continuation next week or later.

